Sunday Territorian



Some weeks, it’s quiet on the astrologic­al front; and others, it’s hard to squeeze in all the informatio­n. This is one of those weeks. It’s the Sun’s turn to form a grand trine, a triangular pattern, with Saturn and Uranus, bringing a wave of determinat­ion and courage. Venus moves opposite Pluto and forms a T-Square with Jupiter – so we can expect the unexpected, especially in matters of the heart. And, Mercury turns retrograde pulling our focus to the past. We’ll all be in very different places – emotionall­y at least, by the end of the week.

Aries Mar21-Apr20

The police are trained to know when to make snap decisions and when to be patient. While defusing dangerous situations requires considered action, other incidents may demand a more rapid response. And decisions made in the heat of the moment can have long- lasting consequenc­es. Fortunatel­y, for the rest of us, we rarely encounter life-or-death decisions. The choice you need to make concerns two options. Will you take the risk or will you take your time? The sky is positively charged with astrologic­al promise. Call 1900 957 223.

Taurus Apr21- May21

Though you’re not enamoured by the scenario you’re in right now, you must admit that something about it feels right. Somehow, you’ve always known that you would be in this situation. It wasn’t an idea you were particular­ly keen on, or working towards, though. But here you are. So, now this is your reality, why not take a look? Actually, it’s perfect. It’s exactly what you need. You already are, or soon will be, starting to see the perfection of the situation you face. The sky is positively charged with astrologic­al promise. Call 1900 957 223.

Gemini May22-Jun22

There’s often an automatic sign-off that can be applied to e-mails. I recently received one from someone whose message finished with the words “sent from the moon”. Now, as Mercury turns retrograde, I wouldn’t be surprised if your messages end up in far-flung places. The position of your ruling planet makes it highly apt for you to concentrat­e on lunar themes. Examine your roots, and take care of your emotional base. With these protected, everything will fall into place. The sky is positively charged with astrologic­al promise. Call 1900 957 223.

Cancer Jun23-Jul23

How long can you go on like this? You may not be at the end of your tether, but you’re near it. Your strength is sapping, and energy levels are low. The good news is that this phase is nearly over. You’re not quite free, but have you noticed that your burdens are being jettisoned? This week you’ll regain a spring in your step and lightness in your heart. Then, you’ll find that hiking through the difficult terrain has brought you to the threshold of something excitingly different. The sky is positively charged with astrologic­al promise. Call 1900 957 223.

Leo Jul24-Aug23

As Mercury heads back towards your part of the zodiac, Mars moves through your sign. This may cause twitchy moments. Sometimes it seems as if, no matter how much you try, things won’t go right. You have grand plans for your future, but can’t see how to bring them to fruition. And the more effort you expend, the more disappoint­ed you become. Even if life seems to be an uphill struggle, you’re not far from the top. You just need to persevere a little longer. The sky is positively charged with astrologic­al promise. Call 1900 957 223.

Virgo Aug24-Sep23

If I wrote your prediction backwards, it wouldn’t make it easier to understand. But this forecast isn’t the literal or literary embodiment of Mercury turning retrograde. And you don’t need to know how to read the wrong way round to cope with your ruler retracing its steps though your sign. Actually, as it’s in the part of the zodiac it calls home, Mercury’s influence remains strong. It’s not mistakes you need fear now, rather, revelation­s that you can look forward to. The sky is positively charged with astrologic­al promise. Call 1900 957 223.

Libra Sep24- Oct23

With the movements that your ruler, Venus, makes this week, it’s not surprising you feel restless. No wonder you want to make changes. It feels as if everything needs shaking up. These feelings are valuable and worth holding on to. But, rather than leaping into action, take a moment to reflect. There’s a place between the extremes you’re contemplat­ing. The potential to make the ideal move is greater if you carry on, for a while longer, on your familiar path. The sky is positively charged with astrologic­al promise. Call 1900 957 223.

Scorpio Oct24- Nov22

There have always been people with power at their fingertips. Moses parted the Red Sea, Caesar built an empire, Elizabeth I prayed for the Spanish Armada to be scattered by a storm. Nowadays it’s down to Kim Kardashian, who (allegedly) broke the internet! But, just because these people create history doesn’t mean they’re the only ones able to bend the world to their will. You too, when the time’s right, may command power. See what you can do this week. The sky is positively charged with astrologic­al promise. Call 1900 957 223.

Sagittariu­s Nov23- Dec21

The notion that you won’t follow orders is an astrologic­al cliche. The truth is much more complex. You’ll accept directions when you’re able to convince yourself that you’re making your own choice rather than being coerced. If you feel you’re being forced down a path, you dig your heels in. But isn’t that true of most of us, whatever our sign? What distinguis­hes you this week, is that you have a wonderful chance to escape such a pressurise­d position. The sky is positively charged with astrologic­al promise. Call 1900 957 223.

Capricorn Dec22-Jan20

“Que sera, sera” is a saying (and a song) that celebrates fatalism. “Don’t worry, be happy” is a more recent version of the sentiment. It’s a lovely idea. Just relax and let the world go by. No more worrying if you’re making the right decision. Just put your feet up, catch up on your box sets and things will be just fine. However attractive this sounds, it’s not what you need to do this week. The encouragin­g cosmos urges you to be emphatic if you want success. The sky is positively charged with astrologic­al promise. Call 1900 957 223.

Aquarius Jan21- Feb19

We all want freedom, but not necessaril­y the same sort. Freedom of the city? Not great if you’re a country-lover. Freedom of the open road? Nothing finer – unless you prefer home comforts. Freedom of the sea? Not so great for the seasick... Even freedom of choice has limitation­s; just ask anyone who’s tried to choose a new phone, or energy provider – the options would boggle any brain. How fortunate that the freedom that you’re about to enjoy will be the right kind. The sky is positively charged with astrologic­al promise. Call 1900 957 223.

Pisces Feb20- Mar20

Some people make something out of nothing. How? Well, with a tad of creativity anyone can definitely make something out of not very much at all. And, with ingenuity, we can all stretch a little a long way. But suppose you find yourself with a severe lack of resources? What if nothing really is nothing? Though you’re feeling as if the hand you’re holding has been badly dealt, there’s a card you’ve overlooked. Actually, you have more than you need to make a winning move. The sky is positively charged with astrologic­al promise. Call 1900 957 223.

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