Sunday Territorian

OSCAR CAINER Aries Mar21-Apr20 Cancer Jun23-Jul23 Leo Jul24-Aug23 Capricorn Dec22-Jan20


Welcome to solstice week! The sun reaching it’s highest point in the sky is always a major astrologic­al occasion. But this year it’s accompanie­d by a rare celestial event. As it reaches its peak, it converges with Saturn, which is returning home to Capricorn. Over the last three years, Saturn’s journey through Sagittariu­s has encouraged us to regulate our excesses and examine our beliefs. As the great teacher moves into its comfort zone, we can begin to reap the rewards of our hard work. We understand that it’s better to quit while we’re ahead, but how do we know when we’ve reached that point? With no road markings, or Stop signs, it’s easy to be carried away by excitement, and push our luck. When everything’s going well, why should we stop? But it can be tempting too, to push on when we’re stressed. Sometimes it’s better not to think too hard and follow your natural rhythm. But, this week, before you make a crucial decision,take a breath. You’ll soon know where you are, and how to proceed. The power of the Solstice can be harnessed right now. Call 1900 957 223.

Taurus Apr21- May21

Despite billions of people, over millions of years, pondering the meaning of life, no one has yet come up with the definitive answer. Some philosophe­rs have even decided that there isn’t one! What we do know for sure, is that life isn’t an endurance test. Brownie points aren’t awarded for the amount of time that we spend suffering the company of people we don’t really get on with. Selfmartyr­dom never does anyone any good. The Solstice is empowering you with the energy to do what you want to do, and enjoy yourself this week. How will the Solstice transform your life? For inspiring news, call 1900 957 223.

Gemini May22-Jun22

As Saturn leaves your opposite sign, you’re gaining permission. You’re finally being allowed more freedom to be who you are, express yourself, and act naturally without worrying about how you’re being judged. In principle you should feel this way all the time. But knowing how we should behave, and living up to those standards isn’t always easy. Of course, nothing worth doing is ever easy! But it doesn’t have to be as hard as it has felt recently. And following the Solstice, as your ruler prepares to turn direct, it won’t be. The power of the Solstice can be harnessed right now. Call 1900 957 223. Take a deep breath – Saturn is entering your opposite sign. You’re coming to the end of the marathon you’ve been running. You’ve worked hard, focused on your goal and constructe­d an intricate and enduring support system that has supported you along the way. Now, as the sun and Saturn converge at the Solstice, it’s time for some rest and relaxation. Your momentum can slow down. The pressure is being released. As long as you keep your eyes on the road, a peaceful and productive phase lies before you. How will the Solstice transform your life? For inspiring news, call 1900 957 223. The sun is converging with Saturn (the great teacher), as it returns to its celestial home. This occurs at the Solstice, which is always an important event in your astrologic­al calendar, and brings the moment of release and relief you’ve been longing for. A creative limitation is being relaxed. You’ll find it easier to express your hopes, and find encouragem­ent and support from those around you. To take full advantage of the cosmic gifts, you just need to match inspiratio­n with perspirati­on. Then, the sky really is the limit. The power of the Solstice can be harnessed right now. Call 1900 957 223.

Virgo Aug24-Sep23

You’ve been clinging to something as if it were a lifebelt. But, are you sure that it’s helping you stay afloat, and not just impeding your stroke? When we first enter life’s choppiest oceans, buoyancy aids are comforting, and sometimes essential. They help us to keep our heads above the water. But, once we acclimatis­e, they limit our ability to move freely. As Saturn changes signs, it encourages you to step out of a difficult situation. You’re strong, and you’ve developed vital skills. Now it’s time to stretch your wings. You’re ready to move on to somewhere much more inviting. For inspiring news, call 1900 957 223.

Libra Sep24- Oct23

Back in the twelfth century, an historian called Henry of Huntingdon wrote about King Cnut’s lesson for his flattering courtiers. The humble king had his throne set on the seashore, and commanded the waves to halt, so as not to wet his robes. The tide duly continued its journey, and his followers learnt that: ‘time and tide wait for no man’. That lesson remains true today. This week, an aspect of your past is catching up with you. Fortunatel­y, this particular wave brings inspiratio­n and illuminati­on. The power of the solstice can be harnessed right now. Call 1900 957 223.

Scorpio Oct24- Nov22

We often believe what we want to believe. Unconsciou­s biases, unspoken ambitions and unfulfille­d dreams influence us as we weigh up decisions. Although you’re generally shrewd and discerning, you’re on the brink of accepting a situation that deserves some scrutiny. As long as you don’t jump to conclusion­s, or take something at face value, the solution will be easier to find than you think. The Solstice lights the way to ask questions you’ve been avoiding. The answers they bring will show you how to proceed. How will the Solstice transform your life? For inspiring news, call 1900 957 223.

Sagittariu­s Nov23- Dec21

As Saturn leaves your sign, it’s as if a tight T-shirt is being removed. You’ll be able to breathe more easily and move with more dexterity. Get ready to rumba! The Solstice, which marks the moment when the sun leaves your sign, is highlighti­ng your moves on the dance floor. But rather that putting you under pressure to perform a dazzling display, it’s giving you the confidence to move with style. You’re less likely to tapdance to an old, unforgivin­g tune. If you move gracefully with this transition, you’ll find your finest rhythm. The power of the Solstice can be harnessed right now. Call 1900 957 223. It’s been 30 years since Saturn last arrived in your sign. Some Capricorns reading this weren’t even born! But whether it’s the first time you’ve experience­d your ruler in your sign, or your name is Kane Tanaka - and you’re the only Capricorn to experience it for the fifth, it’s worth getting excited about! While other signs worry that Saturn’s arrival brings challenges, the great teacher of the cosmos is happy when it’s at home. Saturn’s convergenc­e with the Sun, at the Solstice, can be the birthday gift you’ve long hoped for. How will the Solstice transform your life? For inspiring news, call 1900 957 223.

Aquarius Jan21- Feb19

Walking a mile in someone’s shoes is a good way to understand their point of view. And yet, even when you’re a mile down the road, it can be difficult to fully empathise with them. After all, they’re still your feet, no matter whose shoes you’re wearing! As your ancient ruler Saturn changes signs at the Solstice, it’s enabling you to discard the unhelpful biases that are stopping you from seeing things from your own, clear perspectiv­e. Then, you’ll be able to carry on walking – confident that you’re on a path taking you to success. The power of the Solstice can be harnessed right now. Call 1900 957 223.

Pisces Feb20- Mar20

Would you like a reason to be excited about the week ahead? Here’s one: the Solstice! Although it brings potential opportunit­ies in diverse areas of your life, the good news, especially for the time of year, is that it focuses on your social life. As the sun and Saturn converge you’ll find much-needed guidance and support too. You needn’t be intimidate­d by anyone. You’re more than equipped to work through any challenges. And on top of that, other people will be very much drawn to your presence. Make of that what you will! How will the Solstice transform your life? For inspiring news, call 1900 957 223.

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