Sunday Territorian

Trump calls protesters ‘rude elevator screamers’


WASHINGTON: US President Donald Trump’s nominee, Brett Kavanaugh, looks headed for a lifetime job on the US Supreme Court after two senators said sexual misconduct accusation­s against him would not prevent them from voting to confirm him.

Republican Susan Collins and Democrat Joe Manchin, both swing votes, said they would support Kavanaugh after weeks of debate about sexual violence and the nominee’s character and temperamen­t that gripped the nation.

A partisan battle became an intense personal and political drama when university professor Christine Blasey Ford accused Kavanaugh of sexually assaulting her when at high school in Maryland in 1982.

Collins said Ford’s accusa- tions “fail to meet the morelikely-than-not standard”.

As protesters in a Capitol Hill hallway shouted, “Shame! Shame! Shame!”, Manchin told reporters an FBI investigat­ion, which did not find corroborat­ing evidence of Ford’s accusation­s, was thorough.

“I believe Dr Ford. Something happened to Dr Ford. I don’t believe the facts show that it was Brett Kavanaugh, but I believe something happened,” he said.

Mr Trump lashed out at women who confronted senators, labelling them “rude elevator screamers” and “paid profession­als only looking to make Senators look bad”.

Two other women also al- leged sexual misconduct by Kavanaugh in the 1980s. He denied those accusation­s, as well as Ford’s, in angry testimony to a Senate committee.

If confirmed, Kavanaugh would tip the court’s balance to a 5-4 conservati­ve majority in legal battles ahead over issues such as abortion rights, immigratio­n and Trump’s attempt to ban transgende­r people from the military.

Republican­s hold a 51-49 majority in the US Senate and with the two senators choosing to vote in favour of Kavanaugh, the confirmati­on looked locked in yesterday.

The Kavanaugh fight has riveted Americans just weeks before the November 6 elections in which Democrats are trying to take control of Congress from the Republican­s.

 ??  ?? A US Secret Service Agent helps to steady US First Lady Melania Trump after she got bumped by a baby elephant at an Orphanage in Nairobi
A US Secret Service Agent helps to steady US First Lady Melania Trump after she got bumped by a baby elephant at an Orphanage in Nairobi
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