Sunday Territorian


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Got crabs?

A GROUP of mates got busted with too many crabs in their Esky on Buffalo Creek a while back. This week, one of them ended up in court to plead guilty, where he was also lumped with hefty fines. The animal lovers at the Fisheries Department tried to get prosecutor Hope Holborow to sneak a “victim impact statement” into evidence. Judge

John Neill was having none of it. “An impact statement?” he said. “What, from the mudcrabs?”

Jumped the gun

LITTLE slip on ABC Radio on Wednesday when the newsreader attributed a quote to Chief Minister Nicole Manison. Unless something has happened behind the scenes that Bushie is not aware of such a coup to take Michael Gunner’s throne is not expected for a while yet. And popular Night

cliff MLA Natasha Fyles might have something to say about being looked over, too.

Spread the cash

IRATE callers to Bushie this week wanting to know why the big money being directed to its senior men’s side by NTFL club Night

cliff is not filtering down to any footy club’s most precious commodity, its juniors. The callers are furious one junior side was forced to forfeit last week while big match fees are being offered to potential recruits to the senior side. They say the Tigers’ women’s side is also not receiving the attention of their male counterpar­ts, with Waratah expected to kick a cricket score against them this weekend.

Family get-together

NT Thunder has been getting a little inspiratio­n lately from a newly crowned AFL premiershi­p hero. West Coast Eagles star

Willie Rioli has been back in town to spend his well-deserved off-season in the Top End. Bushie is sure he will have plenty to talk about with the family at get-togethers. How- ever, we are sure if he does get a little boastful his cousin Cyril Rioli, who has won four premiershi­ps and a Norm Smith Medal for best on ground in the 2015 grand final, will tell him that while his career has started off well, he has a long way to reach the status of Rioli elite yet.

Not switched on

IT was a stressful time for anyone in Parliament House actually doing work on Friday, with maintenanc­e boffins deciding it was the best time to turn all the power off. Admittedly it was after 4.21pm but one Oppo-

sition staffer was left tearing their hair out that they would choose the days just before a sitting week to switch off. Given NT Parliament only sits 31 days a year, there were plenty of other options for a maintenanc­e break. Bushie hears the power outages also caused aircon outages so it’ll be interestin­g to see what made it through pollies and staffers affected by mango madness.

Our Jess in a gallery

WHEN you’re looking for prominent Australian­s to feature in the National Portrait Gallery, where else would you turn but the Northern Territory? Territory superstar Jess

Mauboy, of course, made the list and reportedly spent days with Melbourne photograph­er David Rosetzky. The result? A beautiful black and white portrait showing the two sides of our Jess, from the soulful singer to the ecstatic bubbly dancer. Jess reckons she’s made a friend for life in Rosetzky and still feels the connection from the studio. Bushie hears she may be writing him a song to thank him for the portrait. Perhaps instead she could bring him up to the NT to show him her Territory, and give us a song or two again.

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