Sunday Territorian



Trust me, Ariana, a Snuggie is all you need. 2. Sing karaoke Get your pals together, sink a few beverages and hit your local karaoke hot spot.

Nothing mends a broken heart like belting out at All By Myself at 2am to a bunch of bar flies you’ll never have to see again.

If you’re not a fan of the sad power ballad consider a classic like Girls Just Wanna Have Fun, or Dance with Somebody.

Either way, there is nothing like a bit of public humiliatio­n to get things in perspectiv­e. 3. Do not go on Tinder You’re not ready for that. The odds are good but the goods are odd and in your fragile state you’re not ready for seeing what the bottom of the barrel looks like. And, of course, there are great people on Tinder, but it’s like a Boxing Day Sale — you’ve really got to hunt through and get your hands dirty to find a gem.

Just stick to the Snuggie and watching reality TV, it’s the best place for you. 4. Get a hobby Learn how to ferment things. Nothing gets you out of your own head like making up a big batch of sauerkraut, and your gut will be grateful for the injection of healthy bacteria. If cooking isn’t your thing learn a handicraft like macramé or join F45. I’ve found anyone who has joined the F45 cult doesn’t really have much time for anything else and it becomes the only topic of conversati­on they’re interested in. Sure, your friends will probably get bored of you banging on about your eight-week challenge but it will make a nice change from you banging on about your ex.

Breaks-ups are hard, there is no sugar coating it.

Sometimes it just takes a little time, a few packets of Tim Tams and plenty of tears.

Just remember, you’ll never move forward while you keep looking in your rear view mirror, no matter what “science” says. î Jill Poulsen is a News Corp

Australia columnist

“The odds are good but the goods are odd and in your fragile state you’re not ready for seeing what the bottom of the barrel looks like”

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