Sunday Territorian


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A worthy donation

TERRITORIA­NS are known for having wild, weird and wonderful number plates and stickers on their cars. This week Bushie was headed down Tiger Brennan Drive when a sticker on the car in front demanded a look. At first, Bushie thought it was admirable the driver was apparently an organ donor. Upon closer inspection however, Bushie realised they were a ‘orgasm donor’. Still good though, right?

Who’s picking up?

HOW many people does it take to answer a call in court? Bushie heard the lawyer, the police prosecutor and the judge sure couldn’t figure it out when another lawyer called through while the judge’s associate was out of the room. “If in doubt, wait for the judge’s associate,” the judge said.

Unnecessar­y reminder

BARRISTER Mary Chalmers broke the ice of a rather serious court matter this week and also made all those in the Darwin humidity rather jealous. “Does anyone want to know what the weather is like on the Gold Coast today?” Ms Chalmers asked the courtroom full of people via video link. “It’s absolutely beautiful.” She was met with a sea of groans.

Jinx! J

NT Deputy Chief Minister Nicole Manison and Attorney-General Selena Uibo have the same d dress sense it seems. As our picture shows they turned up to the same event wearing exactly the same outfit. Oh well, that’s Darwin!

No punches pulled

VICTORIAN Liberal senator and former ABC broadcaste­r Sarah Henderson, doesn’t pull any punches when talking about her former place of work and specifical­ly its failure to prevent “vile” comments being published on its social media accounts. “Agreeing to appear on an ABC program such as Q+A means being subjected to a cesspit of extreme left bile,” she says.

Lack of positivity

AFL NT boss Stuart Totham presented Sports Minister Kate Worden with his code’s feasibilit­y study into creating an AFL team based in the NT on Friday, but probably wouldn’t be too happy with the Minister’s comments about the likelihood of it getting off the ground. Speaking on Katie Woolf’s The Week That Was, Minster Worden cast doubt about the economic viability of the

proposal given it was forecast to lose at least $15 million every year in operating costs. A bit of positivity wouldn’t go astray Kate.

Bowl them over

THERE is a GoFundMe page for an NT bowls team of 13 facing a hefty bill after being forced to quarantine in Howard Springs when they had to return to Darwin from Melbourne when Covid-19 shut down the state.

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