Sunday Territorian



Aries Mar21-Apr20

None of us remember where we are before we arrived on planet Earth. Even when we get here, we’re not in a state where we’re particular­ly aware of where “here” actually is! We certainly take time to learn the requisite survival skills. We can’t even eat solid food, talk or walk. It’s extraordin­ary to think that every human that’s ever lived has shared this journey… and that one day, we’ll return to wherever we came from. As your ruler, Mars, moves into Pisces, listen to the wisdom at the heart of your being. It will lead you right.

Taurus Apr21- May21

Why not start the week by tapping into your intelligen­ce? While a logical approach won’t always sort out confusing situations (some of them stay ridiculous­ly silly no matter how much brainpower you invest trying to sort them out), a carefully considered thoughtful approach can effectivel­y solve other problems. And the issue you face falls into the second category. Rather than being distracted by the factor that is so irritating, Mercury’s imminent arrival in your sign enables you to access your inner computer and deal with it.

Gemini May22-Jun22

Why do specific types of situations make you feel a certain way? Why do some things make you feel nervous and others make you feel cross? Where do irrational concerns come from? Sorry, I don’t mean to sound like a psychother­apist, it’s just that this week holds the potential for you to understand yourself a little better. There’s a “real” reason why you’re so determined to make progress with your current plan. It’s well thoughtthr­ough and it’s right. With your ruler entering a new celestial home, if you’re clear-headed, you can fly forwards.

Cancer Jun23-Jul23

Anyone involved in the world of beauty knows that of all the natural ways to look better, nothing works better than self-sacrifice. When we give up something we like, we instantly lose wrinkles. If you surrender something and don’t make a big song and dance about it, you’ll look at least 10 years younger. Well… I’m obviously exaggerati­ng! But pushing things a bit further than you’d normally do won’t harm anyone this week, and it will do you the world of good. Be optimistic – the only thing you need to actually give up is worrying.

Leo Jul24-Aug23

You’ll get to your destinatio­n in the end. Is that the reassuring news you wanted to hear? Or does it sound ominously as if it’s going to take a lot out of you in the process? How much effort are you actually going to have to make? There’s nothing wrong with your ambition. Nor with your determinat­ion to succeed, despite the difficulti­es you face. But this week, before investing more time and energy, consider the rewards you’re expecting to receive. You have a chance to negotiate. Don’t be too kind (or anxious) to use it.

Virgo Aug24-Sep23

Magicians are seen as entertaine­rs. We expect to see them at a kids’ party, or a variety show. Once upon a time, though, their work was considered to be esoteric and secret. In some societies, people who had such skills were treated with god-like respect. Audiences were unable to see the difference between what they perceived, and what was taking place. So, if someone was sawn in half… well you get my point. The question, this week, is whether your powers are real or not. All that matters, is that you believe in them.

Libra Sep24- Oct23

Cosmic ordering is the process of asking for celestial assistance. It’s the mechanism that comes into play when we make this type of request. If we understood a bit more about what the cosmos has to do to grant wishes, we might express them rather differentl­y. As abundant Jupiter and mystical Neptune converge in their celestial home, they bring the manifestat­ion of something that’s been on your “wish list” for a while. You’re about to be given what you wanted. You might just have to adjust it to suit your current needs.

Scorpio Oct24- Nov22

What have you got to say for yourself? Sorry… I didn’t mean to put you under pressure. It’s just that somebody in your life has a point to make… and you’re not expecting to agree with them. There are difference­s that need resolving. And in case you’re wondering, I’m not sure how that’s going to happen either. But we live on an amazing planet. And enthusiast­ic Jupiter is converging with mystical Neptune. Although that’s not a sure-fire promise that you’ll be able to work things out, a delightful surprise is highly probable. Phew!

Sagittariu­s Nov23- Dec21

Sagittaria­ns can do just about anything they set their mind to. I’m not saying this to flatter you. It’s true. The caveat is that you tend to spread yourself too thin. You don’t always get what you really want (or what you could have) because you don’t devote enough time and energy to it. As your ruler, Jupiter, links to Neptune, you face temptation this week. You can have a taste of many fabulous things. But if you focus on one specific situation (or someone), you’ll be delighted by what you manage to achieve. This could be a life-changer.

Capricorn Dec22-Jan20

Are you feeling trapped by the number of issues and people you’ve committed to? Are you feeling increasing­ly aware of your limitation­s?

Are you worried that you’re not going to have the time, energy or enthusiasm to be able to honour your promises? Fear not! This week, as Jupiter and Neptune converge in their celestial home, you’ll receive a significan­t cosmic boost. It provides you with the resources you need for success. Your progress will be a direct result of your willingnes­s to put other people before yourself.

Aquarius Jan21- Feb19

Yes, you’re an independen­tly minded Aquarian. But that doesn’t mean you don’t need support. So is that what this week brings your way? As Jupiter and Neptune link in Pisces, they bring something different, but just as valuable. Prepare to receive a healthy dose of empathy, understand­ing and respect. These might not be tangible products, but they can easily be transforme­d into qualities you can use to bring you more confidence, clarity and comfort. Plus the fact that people care and understand.

That’s priceless.

Pisces Feb20- Mar20

Some things look deceptivel­y easy. It’s only when we try doing them that we realise the complexiti­es involved. The more involved we get, the more complex they become. Sometimes, though, the opposite’s true. How are we supposed to tell if things will be easy or difficult? As your modern and traditiona­l rulers converge in your sign this week, you really are in luck. There are wonderful surprises in store. Be as imaginativ­ely creative and as positive as you can be and you’ll find that even things that seem wrong work out right.

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