Sunday Territorian


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MOVE over Splendour in the Grass, the Royal Darwin Show proved itself to be the far superior national major event last weekend. The annual Byron Bay music festival was hit by a one-in50-year weather event leaving 50,000 people wading through noxious mud, waiting in 15-plus hour queues without food or water. Here’s Bushranger’s advice to anyone thinking of going to Splendour next year: Instead of dropping a cool $650 on festival tickets, why not drop $25 for a spell at the Darwin Show? Want the best musical acts? How about the hits of the 80s blasted at full volume while being spun around a mechanical deathtrap. Looking for the most cutting edge fashions? Why not check out the colour, flare and je ne sais quoi of the prize winning ducks and chooks? In search of some excitement and fun? Or battle against a rigged arcade game in the vain hope of an oversized plush toy? It all sounds a lot more appealing than wading through sewage-smelling sludge to reach a closed stage in miserable weather.


MARK Monaghan was more a primary school s teacher than the Speaker of the Legislativ­e Assembly this week. On the first day of sittings he warned parliament­arians to be on their best behaviour but found himself giving several lectures to unruly pollies tip toeing the line. On the last day he reminded everyone how to act, including Goyder MLA Kezia Purick who’d not been present the first two days. The saint she is, Ms Goyder mimed a halo around her head to the delight of others.


SOLOMON MP Luke Gosling told a Bushie spy that he would be paying tribute to Scotland’s bard by rocking up at a Darwin pub in a full kilt. The Darwin Railway Club was holding a Robert Burns night on Saturday to celebrate the life and works of Scotland’s National Poet, Robert Burns.

Mr Gosling said he would be donning the tartan to attend the event, but made no mention if he would be following all the traditions of the kilt. While we always appreciate a local member making an appearance, Bushie hopes the MP didn’t move too energetica­lly.

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