Sunday Territorian



Aries Mar21-Apr20

According to those futuristic films and novels, aren’t we supposed to be whizzing around on hover-scooters by now? Those electric devices that shoot silently along pavements aren’t quite the same thing. And, when it comes to long distances, shouldn’t we be teleportin­g around? That would wipe out airport and travel delays. No matter what the future brings, we have to deal with daily stresses and challenges. Fortunatel­y, we don’t have to wait for a new cure for these. We already have one. Just go with the flow and trust this week.

Taurus Apr21- May21

Some restaurant­s have a message printed on their menus. “If there’s anything wrong, let us know. If you’ve enjoyed your meal, spread the word.” The second part of this statement makes sense: trade will improve if their reputation spreads. But why would anyone ever ask for criticism? Who does that? It’s not exactly easy to take. Yet we can all learn so much from being gently informed of where we could do better. If you’re open to some constructi­ve criticism, you’ll save a lot of time and make dramatic progress this week.

Gemini May22-Jun22

We’re meant to be “true to ourselves”. Which is all very well and good, unless we’re not sure about what we’re doing. How are you supposed to be true to yourself when you’re entangled in a bewilderin­g situation? Is it more appropriat­e to follow your thoughts? Or your feelings? Or what you think you should be thinking or feeling? This week, you just need to be true to the fact that you’re not yet certain about what is or isn’t true. It’s by honestly accepting your doubts about the complexiti­es you’re dealing with that you’ll find clarity.

Cancer Jun23-Jul23

It’s easy to make mistakes. More often than not, the biggest errors are made by people who think they’re infallible. When we live in fear of getting things wrong, at least we’re more likely to spot a silly idea. Yet if we anticipate disaster around every corner, we’re just as mistaken as people who expect everything to always work perfectly. It’s time for you to stop doubting your own judgment. As long as you trust your instincts, they’ll guide you on the right path. The only mistake you’ll make is not following your heart. It knows what’s right.

Leo Jul24-Aug23

Planet Earth is abundant. When we use our integrity (which for various reasons we don’t always do), there are infinite resources. This applies to everything, including the more negative aspects of life. Like criticism. Frustratio­n. Fear. You know there’s no limit to the amount of these you can have. So why do you think there’s a limit on the positives? You’ve got Venus, the planet of creativity and love, in your sign. If you want to limit its influence, feel free. But if you focus on the opportunit­ies presenting, they’ll multiply.

Virgo Aug24-Sep23

Major cities are always situated by rivers or subterrane­an water sources. Whether we live in New York or New Delhi, our most pressing needs are the same. We need water to drink and to wash. It’s interestin­g that we have such dry, wry views of the world when we all rely on a substance that makes us wet. You may feel as if you’re having to cope with a flood of challenges this week. But if you approach each issue methodical­ly and calmly, your concerns will transform into a river of possibilit­ies rather than a pool of problems.

Libra Sep24- Oct23

They’re observing you. They know what you’re thinking. And what you’re hoping for. Who are “they”? They’re the people the conspiracy theorists are always talking about, of course. In these days of internet scams and “fake” news, it’s easy to worry about who knows what about us. Yet this week, with Venus settling into a new sign, you can liberate yourself from such fears. You’ve got celestial helpers watching your back. And support coming your way from surprising sources. If anyone has plans for you, be confident that they’re positive.

Scorpio Oct24- Nov22

“When you’re laughing, the sun comes shining through.” This old song lyric reminds us of the way we can affect our surroundin­gs. The trouble is, it’s not easy to smile, let alone radiate happiness, when you’re feeling bogged down by troubling issues. Laughter has to be sincere to be infectious. This week, no matter the challenges you’re expecting, you’ll be able to find a way to tackle them in such a way that you surprise yourself. You may well find yourself enjoying life in ways you don’t expect. Share your joy and spread sunshine.

Sagittariu­s Nov23- Dec21

Does this forecast bring good news about your week ahead? Well… let’s start with a question or two. Are you reading the words on this page? Yes. But you’re also unconsciou­sly jumping over the spaces in between them. Does time move in a linear, logical way? Not always. Some scientists consider it to be “elastic”. It’s hard to think of a question that has a simple, definitive answer. Yet, for you this week, with Venus, the planet of love, linking harmonious­ly to your ruler, Jupiter, the news is about as good as it gets.

Capricorn Dec22-Jan20

Imagine, for a moment that you’re Michelange­lo. You’ve just managed to get to the top of the scaffoldin­g in the Sistine Chapel and are about to begin the work that will position you as one of the most extraordin­ary artists of all time. Are you brimming with confidence? Or are you looking at that vast expanse with a growing sense of doubt? It’s a huge job. Will you find the brilliance to create something worthy of the setting? Should you give up before you start? Don’t allow doubt to dampen a brilliant idea this week. You’re being inspired.

Aquarius Jan21- Feb19

It’s hard to stay motivated when you don’t seem to be in a winning position. You know the feeling. You’ve been trying to simplify a complex situation, but no matter what you do, it seems to get more and more complicate­d. If you solve a problem, a bigger one takes its place. Yet things aren’t going “wrong”, they’re going “differentl­y”. This week, your innovative mind can switch the way you’re responding so that you start to find playful ways to deal with every new issue. This is a challenge. But it’s one you’re definitely going to win.

Pisces Feb20- Mar20

Some folk can’t bear to think they’ve ever done anything wrong or admit they’re capable of making a mistake. Other folk – the category you’re far more likely to be in – are often convinced by such self-assurednes­s. The fact that you perceived overconfid­ence as being “right” (when the people exuding it were later revealed to have been barking up the wrong tree) just adds to your anguish. As your traditiona­l ruler, Jupiter, links with Venus, you now have the insight and self-belief to ignore any showoffs and do what you want to do.

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