Sunday Territorian

Test your knowledge


1 In what year was FIFA founded? 2 What is the highest grossing

Australian film?

3 Who won the Pulitzer Prize for

Fiction in 2020?

4 Which country hosted the first

Eurovision Song Contest?

5 A Mugwump is a lake monster

from which nations folklore?

6 Who invented the Barbie doll?

7 What is the world’s smallest


8 What substance is Uluru

primarily comprised of?

9 Heortology refers to the study

of what?

10 What are the official languages

of Pakistan?

11 What was the first film

produced by Studio Ghibli?

12 The 1981 musical Cats was based on which collection of poetry?

13 In which country would you

find the city Dong Hoi?

14 A yoctosecon­d measures what

amount of time?

15 On what part of the body is a

shako worn?

16 What does “mosquito” translate

to in Spanish?

17 How many letters are there in the Hawaiian alphabet?

18 What is the name for a female swan?

19 In which year was the opera PorgyandBe­ss first performed? 20 Which band released the album Ten in 1991?

21 On what date did prime minister Harold Holt disappear?

22 Who directed the 2002 Australian film TheDish?

23 In what year was the video game SpaceInv aders first released?

24 Where was Australian astronaut Andy Thomas born? 25 A percolator is used to make what?

26 How many versions of HTML are there?

27 Actress Margarita Carmen Cansino was better known by which name?

28 In which city was the first official Paralympic Games held? 29 A four-in-hand, Pratt, and Windsor are all types of what? 30 Bong Joon- ho won the Academy Award for Best Director for which 2019 film?

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