Sunday Territorian

Tiger shows why he’s a cut above

- Michael Warner

Another day, another record goes into the books for golf legend Tiger Woods.

Forced to play 23 holes on the second day at the Masters because of poor weather, Woods, 48, made the cut for a 24th-straight time.

The feat took Woods past the previous mark of 23 he shared with Gary Player and Fred Couples.

Asked what it meant, Woods made clear he had eyes on a bigger prize.

“It means I have a chance going into the weekend,” he said. “I’m here. I have a chance to win the golf tournament. I got my two rounds in. Just need some food and some caffeine, and I’ll be good to go.”

Woods also saw off Australian playing partner Jason Day who had said ahead of the match-up: “That’s a good pairing. As long as I beat that old man, I’m happy.”

But Day didn’t, like so many before him.

Woods made a series of critical par saves and a classic chip-in birdie at hole No.6 to card an even par 72 to sit at one-over for the tournament.

“I don’t think anyone is going to run off and hide right now, but it’s really bunched. The way the ball is moving on the greens, chip shots are being blown, it’s all you want in a golf course today,” he said

“I’m tired. I’ve been out for a while, competing, grinding. It’s been a long 23 holes, a long day. “But (caddie) Lance (Bennett) and I really did some good fighting today, and we’ve got a chance.

“I’ve always loved playing here. I’ve been able to play here since I was 19 years old. It’s one of the honours I don’t take lightly, being able to compete. The years I have missed, I wish I was able to play because there’s such an aura about playing this golf course that … unless you have played and competed here, you probably don’t really appreciate it.”

Max Homa, Woods’ other playing partner, said the experience was “awesome”.

“It really is a dream to get to play with him here. I’ve been saying, I always wanted to just watch him hit iron shots around here, and I was right up next to him,” he said.

“His short game was so good. I don’t think I can explain how good some of the chip shots he hit today were.”

 ?? American ace Tiger Woods ??
American ace Tiger Woods

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