
Turn back time

I cured my menopause symptoms


Sharon Hewitt 57, Perth, WA.

Tossing and turning in bed, I couldn’t sleep. My hips hurt so much, I couldn’t lay on my side. It had been happening in the daytime, too. If I sat down after exercising, I could barely get up and walk again.

It’s like my joints have dried out, I thought.

Out of the blue, aged 40, I’d gone from being t, healthy and active, to sleepless nights, mood swings and no energy.

As a primary school teacher, I couldn’t get through the day without sugary pick-me-ups.

After work, I’d turn to comfort food, like creamy pasta, spuds, and oven bakes.

I’d lost my spark – and I couldn’t understand why. Slowly, my weight crept up. Over the years, I went back and forth to di erent doctors. Each suggested diabetes, but blood tests were all negative.

Feeling like I’d lost control of my life, I no longer loved myself and became depressed.

en, I realised I was skipping my period. By age 45, they’d stopped entirely.

Could menopause be the culprit? I wondered.

Doctors said I was too young. “Eat less and exercise more,” one said bluntly.

I was never o ered HRT, or advice on hormones.

en, aged 54, I had a medical to go scuba diving. It was my son Ryan’s dream for us to take lessons together.

“I’m sorry,” my GP said. “You’ve failed.”

I was 105kg, and with heart disease in my family, it wasn’t safe. Blinking back tears, I fought the urge to cry. It made me determined to take control of my weight.

I tried all sorts of diets, but any weight loss never stuck.

en, in July 2022, I met up with an old friend Michelle, who I used to work with.

She looked incredibly t!

“How did you do it?”

I asked, curious.

“I’ve been on the 1:1 Diet by Cambridge Weight Plan,” Michelle said.

Speaking with her, I realised the troubles I’d had with my hormones, others also experience­d. Doing my own research, I realised I’d been in perimenopa­use since I was 40 – and the weight gain was linked to this.

With Michelle’s support, I signed up to the program – two shakes a day and a dinner of protein with veg or salad.

In six months, I lost 28kg. When I’d dropped six pants sizes, I was so excited I sent a picture to Michelle.

And because my body no longer ached, I was able to exercise. Hiking became my new-found passion. In 2023, I hiked the Cape to Cape – a 130km trek over seven days!

“I’m so proud of you!” Ryan said, hugging me.

Today, I’ve lost 40kg and weigh 65kg. I wear a size 8.

I feel like a woman half my age. Ryan and I even trekked through Vietnam recently. Best of all, I feel like my weight loss has near cured my menopause symptoms.

People tell me I look 20 years younger and I get lots of compliment­s about how happy I seem.

I want other women to know they’re not alone and it’s possible to feel young again.

I feel half my age now

She looked lost in the music

Jason Moore, 57, Kallaroo, WA.

Istretched my neck and yawned. “I reckon I’m done here,” I said to myself. I’d gotten up early to head to a lake near my house to catch the best light. It was a favourite spot of mine to take bird photograph­s.

I’d been an amateur wildlife photograph­er for over 30 years, ever since I got my rst camera at 21.

Over the years, I’d won a few competitio­ns for my photos of wildlife and had even been invited to talk at conference­s.

It was an interest I pursued on the weekends. During the week, I’d worked in nance and in recent years had invested in a local business.

Packing up my gear on this Saturday morning in August 2021, I started driving home.

On the way, I passed a eld of yellow owers with a mob of kangaroos in it.

e light was still favourable so I parked my car, grabbed my camera and headed o to a spot where I could get down to eye level with my subjects.

Snapping away, I took

80 to 100 shots.

Kangaroos can be quite docile during the day, but they have cute faces and their fur looks good with backlighti­ng.

At one point, I had my camera trained on one when she did something with her front paws.

It looked like she was strumming away, as if she was playing air guitar.

Her eyes were closed, like she was lost in the music! I chuckled as I snapped. When I got home, I showed my wife Amy the pic of the rocking kangaroo.

“Oh, that’s great,” she said with a laugh.

“I’m going to upload it onto Facebook,” I said.

Lots of people liked the picture and I even had one bloke order a print of it.

en, in mid-2023, a friend of mine Nathan, suggested I enter it into the Comedy Wildlife Photograph­y Awards.

I’d been aware of this comp, started by two wildlife photograph­er friends, after an Aussie won it for a snap of a turtle ipping the bird!

I entered my roo photo and a few weeks later received an email to say it had been shortliste­d with 19 others.

en in October 2023, I got a phone call from one of the organisers.

“I’ve got good news,” he said. “Your air guitar kangaroo has just won you a safari for two in the Maasai Mara in Kenya and a specialise­d camera bag.” I couldn’t believe it!

I’d beaten 5300 entries from 85 di erent countries.

When the winners were o cially announced, my pic received a lot of attention.

Slash, the guitarist for Guns n’ Roses even posted it on his Instagram feed!

Now, I’m looking forward to taking my daughter Courtney, 24, with me to Kenya in June.

I’m glad my photo has brought a smile to others.

With so much going on in the world, we can all use a bit of laughter.

 ?? ?? NOW …now I feel energised and raring to go
NOW …now I feel energised and raring to go
 ?? ?? THEN
I was constantly tired…
THEN I was constantly tired…
 ?? ?? My friend Michelle (right) helped me
My friend Michelle (right) helped me
 ?? ?? Hiking has become my new passion
Hiking has become my new passion
 ?? ?? …but this was the first time I’d ever seen a kangaroo playing air guitar!
…but this was the first time I’d ever seen a kangaroo playing air guitar!
 ?? ?? I’ve been a wildlife photograph­er for decades…
I’ve been a wildlife photograph­er for decades…
 ?? ?? My kangaroo snap had people jumping for joy
My kangaroo snap had people jumping for joy

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