TechLife Australia

Faster or shared storage, but not both


I create and edit architectu­ral files typically of 25MB or larger, and am a keen photograph­er with a large Photos library. The former files are stored on a WD MyCloud Mirror so I can access them from other systems, but they take a long time to save. My Photos library is eating space on my laptop’s internal 512GB SSD. How can I reduce the time it takes to save files and keep my photos to hand?


Ian Sleighthol­m replies: A faster hardwareba­sed RAID NAS would improve performanc­e a bit, but you would need to go up to much more expensive network systems to match the performanc­e of internal storage. Your fastest option would be to fit a larger internal SSD, but architectu­ral files stored there would need to be synchronis­ed over your network to the NAS or other shared storage; you could do that using a folder-syncing app, perhaps.

An SSD or even a hard drive in a Thunderbol­t enclosure would also perform very well, although again, you’d need to synchronis­e over your network. USB 3 models are often significan­tly cheaper. For your Photos library, a cost-effective and neat answer might be to add a fast 128GB or larger card to an SDXC card-reader (which will cost upwards of $100). Otherwise, keeping it on an external drive would mean the library would only be accessible while that drive is connected to your laptop.

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