TechLife Australia




We have several issues with this belt that’s also a battery pack, but to save you from a long rant, we’re just going to list our qualms. One: the assertion that having a belt that “just holds up your pants” isn’t good enough anymore. Two: the claim that there are such things as “one size fits all” belts in our world of expanding waistlines. Three: that someone thought Belty Power was a good name for the product. Four: that a 2,00mAh battery in a belt is a better idea than a portable charging device. Five: that stamping the words “designer” and “hand made” onto it means you can charge about $250 for a belt. Six: finally, this battery is dangerousl­y close to your nether region. Would you trust a “designer” belt battery not to blow up and potentiall­y snuff out your hopes for future offspring? You can get good portable batteries from as little as $50, you know. Just saying...

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