TechLife Australia

Beyonwiz T2



IF YOU’RE LOOKING to delve deep into the options of your PVR, Beyonwiz is the brand to turn to. Both of its boxes have by far the most extensive range of options when it comes to recording, and that’s both a plus and a minus. If you’re the type who wants to select their bit rate and codec when recording, this is the box for you. On the other hand, if you just want to hit record to line up an entire series’ worth of shows, this beast is going to be a mind-bender to figure out.

Even though it only has twin tuners, it can record up to four programs at a time. This is the same across all PVRs, but there’s a catch. Each tuner can only record a single network, say Channel 7 or Channel 2, but can then split each of those into two channels on said network. For example, you can queue up ABC1 and ABC Comedy using a single tuner. Another feature techies will love is the easy way in which the internal storage can be upgraded. In fact, the base model comes with no hard drive at all — it’s up to the buyer to select how much storage they need.

Unfortunat­ely, we think the interface is going to deter most users, as it’s just so darned complicate­d. Who needs 30 different options when choosing to record a TV show? Most users just want to hit record and be done with it. However, if you’re looking for absolute, minute control of your PVR, and don’t mind getting your hands dirty, this could be the box for you.

 ??  ?? BEYONWIZ T2 $449 CRITICAL SPECS 2 x tuners; various HDD capacities (1TB in review model/price); no Wi-Fi
BEYONWIZ T2 $449 CRITICAL SPECS 2 x tuners; various HDD capacities (1TB in review model/price); no Wi-Fi

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