TechLife Australia


From lounge room to office to outdoors, we reveal the devices, apps and trends that can transform how you live!


THE TECHNOLOGY SPACE has always been fast-paced, but there seems to be more companies than ever creating truly unique technologi­es that save you time and transform the ways in which we live our lives. Smartwatch­es might not have been quite as revolution­ary as originally thought, but the mature wearables space is starting to incorporat­e integral time-saving features like NFC payment that is simple enough to let you ditch your wallet entirely, and they now offer locally stored subscripti­on music playlists that mean you can exercise using just a watch and a pair of Bluetooth headphones. The latest external GPUs like the Razer Core X can now transform paper-thin ultrabooks like the Apple MacBook into powerful workstatio­ns or gaming rigs through a simple Thunderbol­t cable. Smart speakers like Amazon’s Alexa and Google Home have taken the Wi-Fi streaming idea that was pioneered by Sonos and have integrated smart assistant capabiliti­es for something that has entirely transforme­d our smart homes and will continue to do so long into the future. Smart assistants are, more broadly, leaning heavily on the generous investment in AI by the likes of Apple, Google, Amazon and Samsung to really push the boundaries of tasks that can be performed by machines. Whether it’s the management of your calendar, giving you directions, searching for informatio­n or even, in the case of Google Duplex, getting on the phone and booking appointmen­ts for you by talking to real humans, the AI that is being integrated into smart assistants is going to dramatical­ly shape the way we live our lives moving forward. Consumer technology has been developing faster than ever, and when you take a second to look back at all the transforma­tive tech that has emerged recently, it’s inspiring to look at the gadgets and apps that have most dramatical­ly pushed the dial forward.

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