TechLife Australia

Focus – Speed Reading



THE AVERAGE ADULT reading speed is 250 words per minute, which means that most of us are not reading as quickly as we could be. This might not be a problem for everyone, but if you’ve got a backlog of books and articles building up, some practice with speed-reading will help you get through it faster. Focus – Speed Reading will let you nominate how fast you’d like to read a web page or document, and then spit single words at you at the appropriat­e rate. It’s surprising how readable a piece remains when you crank the speed up – you can go as high as 750 words a minute – and while it’s not a great way to take in that new novel you’ve been looking forward to, it’s an excellent method for skimming articles for work or classes to get most of the informatio­n very quickly. Hopefully, if you keep at it, it’ll help develop your speed reading over time. The app doesn’t play well with PDFs, unfortunat­ely, but it supports document files and web pages.

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