TechLife Australia

Create a custom playlist

Easy ways to listen to favorites, long lost tracks, and hidden gems.


REQUIRES macOS 10.15 or later


How to create custom playlists in Apple Music using rules– based criteria

IT WILL TAKE 20 minutes

For people of a certain age, the mixtape was a rite of a passage – a carefully curated compilatio­n of your favorite sounds shared with friends, lovers, workmates, and more. They took hours to make and were created with love and care.

The arrival of iTunes changed all that – playlists now did the heavy lifting, freeing up your time; Shuffle mode allowed your Mac, iPhone or iPad to serve up an endless stream of tracks, turning music into a commodity.

But it doesn’t have to be that way. On the one hand, an Apple Music subscripti­on ($11.99/ month) can serve up human– curated stations that will feed your love of music, offering both the novel and the familiar. And on the other, the Music app on Mac has all the tools you need – no subscripti­on required.

So whether you want to listen to old and new favorites, rediscover lost tracks, or find the albums, artists and tracks you’ve never got around to listening to, let us be your guide.


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