TechLife Australia

VR Developmen­t


The notion of virtual reality has been used in the tech sector over the last seven decades, but the rate of progress has been slow. Its aim is admirable and enticing: To take you into a fully realized alternate dimension, where you can take a step away from your day-to-day life and become fully immersed in whatever game or media you’d like. When you think about virtual reality, you immediatel­y think of a VR headset/goggles; this concept has been around for years and has stuck true to its original designs in a way.

One of the goals for the technology is that the user should feel as though they are in a different world. This concept could be seen back in the 1950s, with the invention of the Sensorama. Cinematogr­apher Morton Heilig conceived the idea in his 1955 paper The Cinema of the Future. His design was a machine where the user sat inside a box and watched a movie. This heightened all the user’s senses because they were entirely enclosed. By 1962, he had a working prototype that was able to show wide-angle stereoscop­ic 3D video. Other features included stereo sound, wind, vibrations, and even aromas. The prototype launched with five short films to preview, one of which was a motorcycle ride through New York City. This idea of being able to virtually travel and experience different lifestyles is still partly what fuels the use of virtual reality to this day. Thankfully, The Walking Dead wasn’t around in the ’60s; we can’t begin to imagine what aroma they would have used for that.

Skip forward to 1965, and the form factor we see today was starting to take shape. A scientist called Ivan Sutherland started the idea of what we call virtual reality. In his essay titled

“The Ultimate

Display,” he described a computer with a connected display that gave users the chance to gain familiarit­y with concepts not realizable in the physical world, “a looking glass into a mathematic­al wonderland.” Scientific, we know, but the concept of a “virtual reality” was there.

Moving on to 1968, Sutherland and some of his students created the world’s first head-mounted display. Pretty impressive for the time, right? The system was made of two CRT monitors with mirrors and prisms inside. This allowed for digital wireframe graphics to be superimpos­ed over what you could see. The device had six degrees of tracking, with three ultrasonic transmitte­rs on the headset, picked up by four receivers hung from a ceiling. You get the sense that this wasn’t a small device by any means. Sutherland named his invention the

Sword of Damocles. Unfortunat­ely, it didn’t see much progressio­n, probably due to its expense and impractica­lity.

The US military’s work on vehicle simulation, specialist­s at NASA, and researcher­s at the University of Utah were predominan­tly behind the progress of VR technology in the ’60s and ’70s. Alongside significan­t advances in computer graphics technology, VR began to gain heavy traction in the 1980s. By 1985, a team at NASA’s Ames Research Center in

Mountain View, California, created the Virtual Environmen­t Workstatio­n. This creation was wide-angle stereoscop­ic, featuring two LCD TV displays and, last but not least, a motorcycle helmet. When life gives you lemons…? The display could be an artificial computer-generated environmen­t or a real environmen­t relayed from remote video cameras. Along

with this creation, the term

“virtual reality” was conceived by a member of the team that made gloves for the device. The paired gloves could detect movement from the user’s fingers via a series of sensors. This created a computer-generated image of your hand in the virtual environmen­t that you could use for interactio­n. So, even from the mid1980s, the concept of being able to interact virtually within a simulated alternate reality was already set in stone and would scope the future of VR.

It wasn’t until the early ’90s that gaming and VR had the opportunit­y to meet. Arcade machines first brought the experience to the public. Virtuality Group introduced a line of advanced VR machines between 1991 and 1993. Again, they used stereoscop­ic 3D visuals, with a whopping resolution of 276x372 (and some people complain about VR graphics today). Unfortunat­ely, these arcade systems just didn’t gain enough traction. Was the introducti­on too soon? The performanc­e simply wasn’t there to make it a pleasurabl­e enough experience. Sure, it might have been fine for a short arcade blast, but to take it to the next level was a tough ask.

Sega was one of the first companies to attempt to launch a system for use at home. The problem was that the arcade machines were very expensive, so to package the technology up for home use in the ’90s was a difficult task, to say the least. Sega VR was announced in 1991 – versions of the headset were planned for both arcades and the Sega Genesis console. In 1993, the Sega VR headset was finally announced at CES, but that was the

last glimpse of optimism the headset saw. It never materialis­ed, due to complicati­ons in production and the fact that it caused severe headaches and motion sickness in its users. Yikes. It was probably for the best that this headset stayed in its prototype form, however, because what happened to the next mainstream VR release wasn’t exactly a great move for this sector of the market.

Nintendo’s Virtual Boy was a catastroph­ic attempt at VR, but it played an important role in the technology’s progress. Released in 1995, it aimed to be the world’s first portable video game console capable of displaying true 3D graphics. Exciting claims, especially for the mid-’90s. The hype was real on this one. In reality, it was a 32-bit tabletop console that could only show imagery in red and black. Yes, you did read that correctly. It launched at US$175, which was a lot for a console that couldn’t even play in full color. Customers complained about the screen, the lack of software support, and the uncomforta­ble nature of the headset, which all led to the Virtual Boy’s commercial flop.

A new era in VR

After that bombshell, VR took a step backward out of the mainstream market, and wasn’t to be properly attempted again until 2012. A Kickstarte­r campaign introduced the Oculus Rift, the first proper progressio­n of virtual reality, stepping away from a gimmicky trend. Palmer Luckey began working on the system between 2009 and 2012. He figured that previous headsets had been very expensive to produce, due to their requiremen­t of complicate­d lenses that would fix the distortion often associated with having the screen so close to the eyes. He decided to use a cheaper lens but minimise the distortion through clever use of software. Paired with a wider field of view and much better screens, thanks to improvemen­ts in technology in the last decade, it created a huge step forward for VR headsets. The Kickstarte­r raised millions of dollars, clearly showing a huge love for the concept. Valve would help out during this time with its tech knowledge on tracking, to drive PC VR forward. It’s true, it did start the re-emergence of VR, and every headset since has followed a similar format. For once, it delivered a promising experience for many.

 ??  ?? One of the early developmen­t kits for the Oculus Rift – business suit not included.
One of the early developmen­t kits for the Oculus Rift – business suit not included.
 ??  ?? Nintendo’s Virtual Boy made great promises.
Nintendo’s Virtual Boy made great promises.

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