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HOW TO Install iOS apps on macOS



YOUR APP LIBRARY Open the App Store app and click your username in the bottom-left corner. This will show a list of apps registered to your account. Click the iPhone & iPad Apps tab at the top to filter by iOS and iPadOS apps.


DOWNLOAD AN APP This will show every iOS or iPad app associated with your Apple ID. From the resulting list, find the app you want to install on your Mac. Click the cloud icon to download it and wait for it to install on your Mac.


LAUNCH IT ON YOUR MAC When the download finishes, you will be able to launch the app. You can also install new apps by finding them the usual way on the App Store. Some apps may appear too small on your screen, in which case zooming in helps.


INCREASE DISPLAY SIZE Open System Prefs > Accessibil­ity > Zoom and select the first two checkboxes. Click Advanced; in the next window, ensure the top option is set to “Only when the pointer reaches an edge.” In your app, click View > Full Screen.


TOUCH ALTERNATIV­ES Many apps let you use your Mac’s gestures instead of swiping as on iOS. Open an app and click its name in the top-left of the screen, then Touch Alternativ­es. This shows a dialog box with alternativ­e controls for Mac.


USE THE MACOS VERSION Don’t forget to check the App Store and your favorite developers’ websites to see if they offer native macOS apps. Many popular iOS apps, such as Spark, Things, Fantastica­l, and many more, have native Mac versions. TL

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