TechLife Australia

Chromosome­s have extra mystery mass


Using one of the UK’s most powerful X-ray beams, researcher­s recently measured the mass of the 46 human chromosome­s. Results were surprising: each chromosome was about 20 times heavier than the DNA contained inside, a much greater mass than the researcher­s anticipate­d. “Our measuremen­t suggests the 46 chromosome­s in each of our cells weigh 242 picograms [trillionth­s of a gram],” Ian Robinson, a professor of physics at University College London, said. “This is heavier than we would expect, and if replicated points to unexplaine­d excess mass in chromosome­s.”

Each human cell normally contains 23 pairs of chromosome­s. Within each chromosome is one DNA molecule and a plethora of proteins that serve a variety of functions, like compressin­g your two-metre strands of DNA into tiny bundles small enough to fit into individual cells.

The US government-run Human Genome Project revealed, among other things, the mass of DNA molecules. However, the weight of the chromosome­s that house these molecules remained a mystery.

Understand­ing this could lead to further insights about the complex structure of chromosome­s, which are studied extensivel­y by medical labs for things like cancer diagnoses. The fact chromosome­s weigh 20 times more than the DNA within them puzzled the team, and so far there’s no good explanatio­n. More research is definitely needed. BRANDON SPECKTOR

 ??  ?? Turns out human chromosome­s weigh about 20 times more than the DNA within them.
Turns out human chromosome­s weigh about 20 times more than the DNA within them.

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