that's life (Australia)

Word Tracer



The answer to each clue below appears in the grid. The first answer begins with the letter next to the number 1, following to an adjacent square horizontal­ly or vertically (but not diagonally). Each answer begins with the last letter of the previous answer. We’ve numbered a few squares in the grid to help you. Once complete, the leftover letters, beginning with the final letter of answer eight, will spell a word. Write this word on the entry coupon and you could be a winner.


1 Person who loves reading or studying (8)

2 Spongy confection toasted on a campfire (11)

3 Cane, mobility aid (7,5) 4 Chicken ---, dish which shares its name with Ukraine's capital (4) 5 Common ice cream and milkshake flavour (7) 6 Marzipan nut (6)

7 Flaky scalp problem (8) 8 Good health and physical condition (7)

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