that's life (Australia)

What would you do?

Got a problem? Let that’s life! readers help! Here’s what they had to say about this week’s dilemma


Move on

I think the couple only paying for what they consumed should find new friends who care about them enough not to put them under financial pressure. Friendship is about quality time and shouldn’t be about money or excluding those on a budget.

Nic Webster, Griffin, Qld

Don’t complain

I think most people agree that the couple who are ‘only coughing up for what they eat and drink’ are in the right. I would object if asked to split a bill where friends spend a lot on a meal. My husband and I rarely drink, don’t usually have a starter and very rarely have a dessert. Why should we be expected to subsidise those who do? Get real. You can’t expect others to subsidise your expensive choices.

Maureen Wharton, via Facebook

Divide and conquer

Option A: Let them figure out how much they owe, and give you a total for the bill minus what they’re paying. Split that amount between the other people. Option B: Since you’re clearly made of money and they’re not, offer to pay their share.

T Nelson, via Facebook

Pay your own way

Pay for what you have next time, or don’t invite them out.

Melissa Kleindiens­t, Sydney, NSW

Settle it first

Go to a pub for dinner so you have to pay for your own meal when you order. Same goes for drinks at the bar.

Libby Nelson, Dumbalk, Vic

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