that's life (Australia)

Separated FOR 78 YEARS


When Ann Hunt was 14, she discovered her mum, Gladys, and dad, Hector, weren’t her biological parents.

Ann didn’t know it then, but she was born part of a pair, although it would take decades to uncover the truth.

After her adoptive mum died in 2001, Ann discovered her birth mum’s name was Alice Lamb. When Alice had Ann in 1936, she’d been a domestic cook.

Eventually, Ann’s daughter Samantha found Alice’s other daughter Elizabeth in the US, and they realised she and

Ann had been born on the same day. Twins!

As a single mum with little money, Alice kept Elizabeth, who was born with a spinal problem. Alice had worried no-one would adopt her, but Ann was given up.

Alice had told Elizabeth she had a twin sister, but had no idea how to find her.

Then in April 2013, Elizabeth received a letter in the post.

I am searching for a family connection, it read.

After 78 years, the twins had finally found each other!

Ten minutes later they were talking on the phone.

‘I had to pinch myself because I realised, I’ve got a sibling, a sister. It’s so wonderful, I’m not on my own any more,’ said Ann.

With Elizabeth in the US, they made many Skype calls, and a year later the twins were finally reunited.

‘You’ve got Mother’s blue eyes,’ said Elizabeth, pulling her twin in for a hug.

Having spent 78 years apart, they spent a week catching up.

Sadly Elizabeth died on November 8, 2014, six months after their emotional reunion.

Ann passed away three years later, in December, 2017.

Ann’s daughter Samantha was pleased they found each other: ‘It was a gift, unexpected but very welcome.’

 ??  ?? Elizabeth and Ann meet after 78 years apart
Elizabeth and Ann meet after 78 years apart
 ??  ?? Ann as a child
Young Elizabeth
Ann as a child Young Elizabeth

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