that's life (Australia)

Whinge of Week

Got a complaint? Send it to Grumpy Gwen and if she thinks your whinge is justified, she might just send you some cash – it’s that easy!

- With Grumpy Gwen


Why is it so expensive to have a will written? I know we should be prepared, but it’s a lot of money for a piece of paper!

Nicky Mason, Auckland, NZ We recently attended the funeral of Uncle Stan, a mime artist. There were no words. The old boy was a terrific imitator. Even the money he left was counterfei­t. He may even have faked his own death. Shop around lawyers or online for the best price. But if, like Uncle Stan, you’re only leaving behind stripey T-shirts and a pair of white gloves, buy a will kit on me.


We received a letter from new neighbours trying to convert us to their religion and schedule a time to come and talk to us! We don’t want them to dislike us but we aren’t religious and we like our privacy.

Anna, Maryboroug­h, Qld My daughter Uvula once broke up with her boyfriend over religious difference­s. He thought he was God, she didn’t. I find a simple way to deal with religious converters is to offer to show them your holiday slides from the ’70s or ask if they’ll hold a Tupperware party in return.


An item was advertised in the supermarke­t catalogue as half-price. However, when scanned, it was full price. The checkout girl said many shoppers had been ‘tricked’ as some items in the catalogue were now ‘late-week specials’. I can’t waste petrol on a return trip for one item!

Karen Millard, Geebung, Qld I’m over supermarke­ts – you never come out with what you went in for. Yesterday Uvula went into Aldi for a kayak oar and a lawn edger and came out with bread and milk. These days I only visit when my air-con’s broken.

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