that's life (Australia)

Word Tracer



The answers to the clues appear in the grid. The first answer begins with the letter next to number 1, and follows to letters in adjacent squares horizontal­ly or vertically in either direction (but not diagonally). Each answer begins with the last letter of the previous answer. We’ve numbered a few squares for you. The leftover letters, beginning with the final letter of answer 12, will spell a word. Write this word on the entry coupon.


1 Discard, chuck out (5,4)

2 Harvest (5) 3 Cleaning item (6) 4 Device used for heating a room (8) 5 Coloured arc in the sky that usually follows a storm (7) 6 Walk like a duck (6) 7 Physical exertion (6) 8 Skilled strategist (9)

9 --- Bonaparte, famed French military general (8)

10 Story (9)

11 --- Island, southern pacific isle noted for its giant statues (6) 12 Give a brief summary (5)

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