that's life (Australia)



This year the Mistretta family from California will drag their Scotch pine Christmas tree into the house for the 35th time.

Purchased as a sapling in 1983, Joe, Gina and their children assumed they’d enjoy the tree for a few weeks before it went to compost.

But seeing how healthy it looked once Christmas was over, they didn’t feel right tossing it out.

Instead, they planted the tree in a garden pot.

The following Christmas the tree looked healthier than ever, so it again took pride of place in their home.

And just like that, a tradition began. Joe doesn’t mind sharing his secret to keeping the tree jolly.

‘Three things – food, water and then you have to re-pot it,’ he said.

The tree was soon too tall to fit in the house, so Joe had to chop off the top.

Now, it just keeps growing outwards!

‘When you have a tree like this you can’t think “perfect”,’ Gina said. ‘You have to think “tradition” and “sentiment”.’

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the tr ee Joe, Gina and son Michael with

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