that's life (Australia)

Logic Puzzle



Five siblings bought their mum a birthday gift. Use the clues to work out who bought what gift, and how much they spent. Read the clues and use the grid to record any informatio­n. Place a tick in a box if you have any de nite positive informatio­n and a cross for any de nite negative informatio­n. For example, you learn that Dolly gifted the novel, so we have placed some ticks and crosses in the grid to help. Using this method, ll in the smaller grid. Work out what gift Benny gave (which is the coloured space in the lower grid) and write this answer only on the entry coupon.


1 Dolly gave her mum a novel by an author that they both had a shared love of

2 One sibling bought two tickets to a musical on sale for $80

3 Ashley bought her mum an antique comb, which cost more than the owers and less than the ticOkets 4 Coral didn't gift the tickets, but she did spend money on her mother's present

5 Eric was miffed that one sibling spent nothing on their mum and 'regifted' a book he gave them last Christmas

6 Benny spent exactly $10 less than the sibling who gifted the scarf

 ??  ??

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