The Australian Oil & Gas Review

Northam Solar turns first sod

- WA

THE 10MW Northam Solar Farm project turned first sod in March, marking the start of developmen­t of WA’S next solar farm.

The project will be developed by Carnegie Clean Energy in partnershi­p with Indigenous Business Australia and the Perth Noongar Foundation.

The partnershi­p will provide contractin­g opportunit­ies to a number of Aboriginal businesses, as well as the opportunit­y for ongoing Noongar employment during both the constructi­on and operation phases of the project, which is expected to generate enough power for 3000 households over the next 25 years.

“This project is particular­ly exciting because of the opportunit­ies it will provide to local Aboriginal people and businesses as a result of the joint venture,” WA energy minister Ben Wyatt said.

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