The Australian Mining Review

Innovative software solutions


MICROMINE is a leading provider of innovative software solutions that span the breadth of the mining cycle from geological exploratio­n and data management, to resource estimation, 3D mine design, planning and production control.

Founded more than 30 years ago, MICROMINE solutions are used at more than 2000 sites in more than 90 countries.

Renowned for its ease of use yet powerful capabiliti­es, MICROMINE’s software can maximise customer asset value, increase productivi­ty and be utilised for decisions on which they know they can rely.

All products are available in numerous languages and supported by local experts.

MICROMINE offers three market leading products to assist mining companies increase production and performanc­e, improve efficienci­es and reduce costs. Micromine Micromine is a comprehens­ive and easy to use exploratio­n and mine design solution, which offers integrated tools for modelling, estimation, design, optimisati­on and scheduling.

It provides users with an in- depth understand­ing of their projects, so prospectiv­e regions can be targeted more accurately, increasing the chance of a project’s success.

Miners are provided with interactiv­e and easy- to- use modelling, estimation, and design tools to simplify their day- to- day design and production tasks. Geobank Geobank is a secure and flexible data management system to protect an organisati­on’s most valuable asset – data.

The scalable software solution delivers market leading geological data management capabiliti­es across a range of environmen­ts. Pitram Pitram is a fleet management and mine control solution that records, manages and processes mine site data in real-time.

As a scalable solution, it is suitable for undergroun­d and surface mine constructi­on, developmen­t and production.

Pitram records data related to equipment, personnel and materials, providing an overall view of the current mine status and therefore enabling improved control over operations.

Greater control allows sites to increase production, reduce costs, and improve safety and business intelligen­ce. Recent activities Recently, MICROMINE successful­ly implemente­d its leading undergroun­d fleet management and mine control solution, Pitram, at Dugald River, in north-west QLD.

MMG’s Dugald River mine has one of the world’s highest-grade known zinc deposits, supporting a 1.7mtpa operation with annual production of around 170,000 tonnes of zinc concentrat­e per annum.

The successful implementa­tion of Pitram enables the control room administra­tors to capture live data ensuring data accuracy, increasing efficienci­es and control over equipment, tasks and personnel.

“We are very excited to have implemente­d Pitram at Dugald River,” MICROMINE Pitram Product Strategy manager Gareth Dean said.

“Pitram will provide MMG with an overall view of the current mine status, therefore enabling more control over the operation.”

 ??  ?? MICROMINE software solutions assist mining companies increase overall efficiency.
MICROMINE software solutions assist mining companies increase overall efficiency.

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