The Australian Mining Review

Thriving on solar innovation


FOR more than 18 years, Outback Energy Supply has provided solar solutions to the mining and associated industries.

The company’s vision has been to supply and deploy innovative renewable energy powered solutions to reduce cost noise and pollution for its diverse client base.

Outback Energy Supply provides solar- powered pumps up to 45kW, and solar generated power for communicat­ions infrastruc­ture, mining camps, lighting and a range of remote area, off- grid renewable solutions.

From 120kW grid connect systems at Kalgoorlie Airport, to one or two panel communicat­ions or flow metering jobs, Outback Energy Supply has reduced diesel costs and greenhouse gases for clients across WA and beyond.

Outback Energy Supply’s team takes immense satisfacti­on when they shut down or drasticall­y reduce another diesel genset’s operating hours, or negate the need for costly power line infrastruc­ture.

Solar is well proven to reduce the cost of diesel generation in terms of fuel and man hours spent on diesel maintenanc­e and servicing, and with modern communicat­ions, the assets are able to be remotely monitored for efficiency and maintenanc­e.

Outback Energy Supply’s rapidly deployable containeri­sed arrays and systems use lithium battery technology to keep the system size down and are available for capital purchase or leasing.

 ??  ?? The cost of solar cells has rapidly decreased in the last 10 years.
The cost of solar cells has rapidly decreased in the last 10 years.

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