The Australian Mining Review

Time critical cross Australia freight


BOHAUL Express specialise­s in the transport of goods from Melbourne to Perth.

It is the objective of Bohaul Express to provide its clients the highest standard of service at all times, on time.

This can only be achieved through the total commitment of management, employees and contractor­s to quality, efficiency and safe work practices.

Bohaul Express was the idea of managing director Neil Beauglehal­l in 1972.

His vision was to offer a two-day door to door express service from Melbourne, to the isolated, but fast growing city of Perth; a capital that required freight urgently from the eastern states and back.

Mr Beauglehal­l’s idea gained support immediatel­y and Bohaul Express went from strength to strength, and is now one of the leading independen­tly-owned and operated express service companies on the long road haul.

Bohaul’s linehaul trucks are equipped with airbag suspension, ensuring the smoothest possible transfer of goods from state to state.

It can service a wide range of freight, all of which is carefully loaded by the experience­d Bohaul team.

Bohaul Express is a full road express service with no rail component whatsoever.

The company ensures its continued improvemen­t by having all staff members taking an active part in the growth of the business.

This is supported with open communicat­ion and ongoing training.

Bohaul Express staff, in all department­s, are always contactabl­e and happy to ensure any freight transactio­ns will suit clients’ needs.

More informatio­n can be found at: www.bohaulexpr­

 ??  ?? Bohaul Express has proudly serviced WA freight needs for more than 30 years.
Bohaul Express has proudly serviced WA freight needs for more than 30 years.
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