The Australian Women's Weekly



If Janet Ellis’ debut novel’s title reeks of a Georgian CSI – suspended carcasses and gut-wrenching meat pies – look again at its romantic cover, to carve a clue as to this rare serving up of sour jealousy coupled with a rich love casserole. Ellis, a UK children’s TV presenter, rolls out the 1763 London scene with a sewer crust of foul intention. Narrator Anne, 12, is the engaging, precocious daughter of a well-to-do father and wretched mother. By age 19, Anne is already eaten away – her tutor, who introduced her to Latin and Shakespear­e, adds a physical demonstrat­ion of how men and women “cleave” together to the curriculum, then takes his leave. Yet Fub, the butcher’s apprentice, shall court Annie with his meat cleaver, his strong torso, tearing out a calf’s tongue. Ellis shall romp and revenge, gorge and roast, in this gothic degustatio­n.

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