The Australian Women's Weekly

Ask the doctor: readers’ health questions answered

Professor Kerryn Phelps answers readers’ questions on mouth ulcers, a rare heart condition, pregnancy and drinking, and advises taking your child’s toys to the GP.


QMy best friend recently lost her 44-year-old husband to a heart condition called long QT syndrome. Should she get her teenage children tested for the condition? K.D., WA. Long QT syndrome can be inherited and can cause sudden death in children and young adults due to abnormal heart rhythm. A sign may be fainting with stress or exercise, or for no reason. Treatment may involve medication, a surgical procedure or an implantabl­e defibrilla­tor. The children should see a cardiologi­st for testing and advice.

QIn the past few months, I have had three or four mouth ulcers. They are very painful and have made eating difficult. What are the causes and what can I do to prevent them? I’m 40 years old. G.H., Vic. Mouth ulcers may be caused by viral or fungal infection, or may be part of an inflammato­ry bowel condition, or the result of injury (for example from food, toothbrush or poorly fitting dentures). Transient aphthous ulcers are common and may be exacerbate­d by stress. Home remedies include saltwater rinses, packing the ulcer with a bicarbonat­e of soda paste, topical anaestheti­c gel to relieve pain, and sucking on zinc and vitamin C lozenges.

QI have a recurring problem with my nails peeling and flaking. It seems to start in the nail bed and has been happening for 12 months. Betnovate ointment didn’t help and tests found it wasn’t a fungal infection. What could it be? J.V., NSW. Peeling nails may be the result of a nutritiona­l deficiency or prolonged exposure to water. Ensure you eat enough protein, vegetables and wholegrain­s in your diet. Wear gloves when you wash up or do gardening.

QI just found out I am eight weeks pregnant. Both of my sisters got married this month and I drank several glasses of champagne at their weddings and hens’ nights. I’m worried it harmed the baby. What should I do? J.P., WA. My general advice is that if you are off contracept­ion and could possibly get pregnant, avoid alcohol. Many women drink alcohol before they know they are pregnant. However, having a few drinks at that early stage is not a cause for alarm. Obviously, avoid it from now on.

QI am 65 and have always had good eye sight. Lately, I’ve been waking up with clear vision only to find it becomes hazy as the day progresses. Eye drops don’t seem to help. What can I do? F.H., Qld. See an optometris­t, or go to your GP for a referral to an ophthalmol­ogist. This may be something simple such as dry eye syndrome, which gets more common with age, but it should be checked.

QI have started attending the gym twice a week on the recommenda­tion of my GP. I’m 45 and have always struggled with my weight. I was feeling good about getting fit, but my sports bra and the waistband of my leggings are causing a red, itchy rash. What can I do? L.L., NSW. It is probably a matter of your sportswear being the wrong size or shape for you, and the elastic is rubbing your skin. However, your GP could check if it is a fungal rash caused by the moist environmen­t created by sweating.

QFor about three years, I have had troubling and distractin­g sensations in my top front teeth and occasional­ly bottom teeth. The teeth also feel weak. I have had an MRI and seen a dentist and a physio, but nobody has any answers. What could be the cause? A.W., NSW. Given the pain is in the top and bottom teeth, you may be clenching or grinding your teeth at night. This can be assessed by a specialise­d dentist. Try stress management, avoid caffeine and alcohol, and ask your GP for a check-up.

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