The Australian Women's Weekly

Traditiona­l roast turkey


SERVES 8 OR 16 AS PART OF A BUFFET PREP AND COOK TIME 3 HOURS 15 MINUTES The stuffing can be made a day ahead; keep covered in the fridge. Stuff and roast the turkey close to serving.

4.8kg turkey

1 quantity turkey stuffing (see overleaf) 75g butter, melted

¼ cup fresh thyme leaves

1.5 litres (6 cups) salt-reduced chicken stock, approximat­ely

⅓ cup (50g) plain flour

1 Preheat oven to 180°C (160°C fan-forced). 2 Discard neck from turkey. Fill cavity with your chosen stuffing (Step 2, below). Tie legs together with kitchen string; tuck wings under turkey. Place turkey on oiled rack in a large flameproof roasting pan.

3 Combine butter and thyme in a medium bowl. Brush half the butter mixture over turkey (Step 3); sprinkle with salt. Pour 2 cups (500ml) of the stock into dish. Cover dish tightly with two layers of greased foil.

4 Roast turkey for 1 hour 20 minutes. Remove foil; brush turkey with remaining butter mixture. Roast, covered with foil, for 1 hour. Remove foil; roast for 20 minutes or until browned and cooked through. (Check liquid in base of dish during cooking; the pan juices need to brown but not burn – you may need to drain excess liquid if it’s not colouring or add extra water or stock if drying out too much or burning.) To check if turkey is cooked, insert a skewer sideways to the bone in the thickest part of the thigh. If the juices run clear, the turkey is ready. Alternativ­ely, insert a meat thermomete­r into the thigh; turkey is cooked when it reaches 80°C-85°C. Transfer turkey to a tray or platter; cover with foil. Rest for 15 minutes before carving.

5 Meanwhile, pour pan juices from dish into a large jug; stand for 5 minutes or until fat has risen to surface. Skim 2 tablespoon­s of fat from the juices (Step 5A); return fat to baking dish. Skim and discard remaining fat from juices. Top up pan juices in jug with enough of the remaining chicken stock to make 1 litre (4 cups). Place baking dish over medium heat. Add the flour; cook, stirring, until mixture bubbles and is well browned. Gradually stir in the pan juices (Step 5B); cook, stirring, until mixture boils and thickens. Season to taste. Strain gravy into a heatproof jug.

6 Carve turkey legs and thighs, then breast (Steps 6A and B); serve pieces with gravy. Not suitable to freeze or microwave.

 ??  ?? STEP 5B
 ??  ?? STEP 2
 ??  ?? STEP 6A
 ??  ?? STEP 3
 ??  ?? STEP 6B
 ??  ?? STEP 5A

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