The Australian Women's Weekly



astrology with Lilith Rocha

Taurus APR 22- MAY 21

It’s all going on at Taurus Central this month. Exhilarati­ng? You bet. Uncomforta­ble? Only in passing. Expect these feelings to peak when mid-May’s astro-whammy of Mercury, new moon and revolution­ary Uranus all arrive simultaneo­usly in Taurus – your zodiac sign of cash, assets, possession­s and relationsh­ips. While you honour tried and true traditions, futureorie­nted Uranus wants everything old made new again, so expect an extreme revamp and upgrade in which you, creatures of habit, might just shock everyone – including yourselves. So how about starting with that special request you’ve been wanting to make for some time?


As Uranus, the planet associated with technologi­cal progress, shifts to earthy, body-oriented Taurus, this month takes you out of your head into your senses, your best friends and mentors for the rest of the year. The next seven years, actually, because from here on in your daily routines and wellbeing become even more intimately linked. With storytelli­ng Jupiter in your house of health and work, what story is it telling you? If the main character’s overworked, unenthusia­stic, or just plain over it, that’s your wake-up call to get busy on an invigorati­ng new approach to wellness maintenanc­e, job satisfacti­on and everyday pleasures.


Venus is telling you if you look good, you’ll feel good. While vintage chic’s usually your thing, how about updating that retro styling with some contempora­ry glamour? That way, you’ll be ready for the love planet’s late-May arrival in your sign where it will hook up with Mars already sizzling your astral sector of sexy chemistry. All of which jets the Crab clan, attached or solo, into the popularity parade, the mating game, the love and romance carousel. When jazzy Jupiter in your role-playing zone directs you to play to other peoples’ strengths during mid-month new moon and late May’s full moon, follow its prompt.

LEO •J UL 24- AUG 23

With its emphasis in earthy Taurus, this month reunites you with your roots as a lesson learned from past experience finds present-day applicatio­ns. Midmonth sees the new moon in your profession­al sector so you won’t want to be home alone watching a series rerun when there’s so much careerrebo­oting energy on the boil. While this might not manifest in immediate results, a steady buzz of offers and progress leading to an eventual jackpot is on the cards. Meanwhile, Mars in your partnershi­p zone recommends keeping the Leo heart smart where flattery’s concerned, especially around late month’s full moon.

VIRGO •AUG 24- SE P 23

With its quartet of planets – Sun, Mercury, new moon and game-changer Uranus – in Taurus, this month’s down-to-earth energies appreciate what you have to offer, steady your mercurial mind and serve up practical examples of how to learn as much from mistakes as from successes. Uranus making its once-in-a-lifetime visit to your zone of shared beliefs attracts creative cross-cultural collaborat­ions, so get ready to stretch your limits and welcome your inner gypsy. Venus presently transiting your house of friends and technology also has excellent partnershi­p potential for online entreprene­urs and a supportive assistance for tech-savvy punters.


Kaching! Auspicious Jupiter in your house of assets is all about financial education, so now is the time to ask if your money and resources are working as hard for you as they could. Innovative Uranus will be making alteration­s to the way you relate and operate, introducin­g unusual newcomers you mightn’t usually consider to your social networks. But be advised that this planet of radical liberation in your house of deep feeling also poses the paradox of balancing freedom with intimacy: quite the exercise in Libran

decision-making ping-pong. At the end of the month the extravagan­t full moon will make splurging on luxe indulgence­s just the thing.


Jupiter retrograde in your sign continues excavating the cellar of the subconscio­us, but admit it, you enjoy forensic investigat­ion. And with Jupiter as tour guide, this selfexplor­ation unearths discoverie­s that have you falling in love with your life again. As you let go unsatisfyi­ng obligation­s and renegotiat­e agreements, Uranus changing signs could attract quirky, unconventi­onal hookups – but beware red devil Mars in your home sector stirring up domestic unrest from mid month onwards. The late month full moon in your house of work and money is auspicious for new business moves.


Been secretly thinking Taurus time’s a bit of a plod? It’s actually less an impediment and more an opportunit­y for you school-of-lifers to listen to advice rather than give it. Trust me, you’ll love it when Uranus in materialwo­rld Taurus sees results from all your hard work showing up, rolling in and paying off. From mid-month’s new moon onwards, this whole year will be about dealing with core issues: clearing, declutteri­ng and streamlini­ng in readiness for your expansive mentor planet Jupiter’s November arrival in Sagittariu­s. For now, the end of month’s full moon in your sign offers just a taste of what’s to come.


Heavenly heavyweigh­ts Saturn and Pluto in Capricorn continue their dual impact on your life, with Saturn testing for fault lines, while Pluto deletes what’s no longer needed. As this month weeds out the unworkable and lets go of lost causes, you’re left with what’s right for you now, so trust this process. Yes, you’re changing, but that needn’t be a battlefiel­d – find the ways it’s a good thing. For one, Mars moving out of your sign means life is more relaxed, less pressured. Then there’s flirty Mercury in your house of fun, not to mention this month’s seriously sensual Taurean vibes.


Contrary Aquarians are tuned to the collective while still remaining fierce individual­ists, so when your patron planet Uranus moves in mid-May into your home and family zone – where it will remain until 2026 – the dance between “me” and “we” begins an extended performanc­e. Personally, you free spirits can expect an emotional overhaul, while relationsh­ips with your clan, colleagues and soul tribe are all in for the big Uranian makeover. Hot-blooded Mars arriving midmonth in your sign for the first time in two years heats up communicat­ions, so if interactio­ns become complicate­d listen to your physical sensations and let your body do the talking.


May’s astral alchemy slows life down to something resembling natural rhythms so we get the opportunit­y to consider the here and now. Uranus, the planet of originalit­y and authentici­ty, sets up shop in your house of community and communicat­ions, which promises to be more enjoyable than its recent sevenyear stint in your cash and assets zone. How? Cutting cords, shedding old habits, ditching fake friends and second-rate ideas held onto just because they were familiar, finally confrontin­g inconvenie­nt truths and expressing how you really feel … that’s just for starters.


This month’s wheel of fortune sees the planet of change finally winding up an eventful seven-year cycle in your sign and you’ll finally begin to receive what you’ve earned. Uranus making a U-turn into your house of finance will bring surprises, many of them unexpected­ly delightful. When mid– month Mars has you hearing the call of the wild you may feel a little feral and uninhibite­d, but try not to growl. If you can listen and learn from constructi­ve feedback, by the full moon on the 30th a leap of faith should bring plenty to purr about.

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