The Australian Women's Weekly

Easy Crossword



ConAfuWsed­W, be4w0ildBe­red (2,3) 1. 5. Sumemaasry­ise3the facts 8. Famous casino city, Monte … SoftpFurez­nzchleca1p­18 9. 10. Idenptiaca­glseibl9in­6gs

11. Brazilian ballroom dance 14. Sloped walkway

17. Field entrance

19. Al fresco, in the … (4,3)

20.Melody from an opera

21. Not quite shut

22. Garlic-rich disk, … Kiev 23. Fishing-net material

25. Body dusting powder 28. Political group

31. Almost vertical, … cliffs

32. Bid, make an … to buy 33. Combinatio­n of metals 34. Loose tea container

35. Stared lecherousl­y


1. Traffic-light colour

2. Rugby skirmish, eg

3. Performs in a play

4. Melbourne streetcar, eg

5. List of duties

6. Beijing is there

7. Wallpaper adhesive

12. Chile’s continent, South … 13. Bedcover, woollen …

15. Assent, … to the plan

16. Hunt game illegally

17. UK actor, Hugh …

18. Follow, … behind

23. Welcome news, … to my ears 24. Quickness, swiftness 26. Extremely bad, dire

27. Was concerned, … about 28. Speak to God

29. Anger, annoy

30.Up-down toy on a string (2-2) Solution in next month’s issue.


5 X $100 When you complete the crossword, the letters on the shaded squares, reading left to right, top to bottom, will spell the winning answer. When you have the winning answer write the answer on the coupon on the last puzzles page for your chance to win $100.

 ??  ??

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