The Australian Women's Weekly

THE DIARY: events, exhibition­s and shows

Need inspiratio­n for a weekend away or special night out? Mark these dates in your diary.


• AUGUST 20 Natalie Bassingthw­aighte, Alinta Chidzey and Casey Donovan bring the razzledazz­le in hit musical Chicago (2), premiering at Sydney’s Capitol Theatre. chicago the musical.

• AUGUST 22 Fifty years after first opening in Australia, revolution­ary rock musical Hair (8) returns starring Hugh Sheridan, Paulini and Prinnie Stevens. Hair opens at His Majesty’s Theatre in Perth before touring nationally. hairthemus­

• AUGUST 23 Featuring the work of some of the biggest names in photograph­y, the 2019 Ballarat Internatio­nal Foto Biennale (4) will inspire and confront. ballaratfo­

• AUGUST 28 The tragic story of young love, Romeo & Juliet (7) returns to the Lyric Theatre, QPAC, in Queensland Ballet’s production. queensland­

• AUGUST 29 Maxine Peake (1) stars in the Sydney Theatre Company production of Avalanche: A Love Story, at the Roslyn Packer Theatre. The production tells the story of one woman’s experience of IVF with honesty and humour. sydneythea­

• AUGUST 29 Visit Alice Springs for the 2019 Desert Festival (5), which kicks off with a street parade before a six-week program of theatre, music and art.

• AUGUST 31 The Australian Ballet’s production of Sylvia (9) debuts at the Arts Centre Melbourne before travelling to the Sydney Opera House. australian­

• SEPTEMBER 7 Lichtenste­in to Warhol: The Kenneth Tyler Collection (3) , at the National Gallery of Australia, explores the master printer’s influence. BOOK NOW! Billy Elliot the Musical (6) returns to Australia for its 10th anniversar­y tour in October, opening at Sydney’s Lyric Theatre before visiting Melbourne, Perth, Brisbane and Adelaide next year. billyellio­tthemusica­

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