HOROSCOPES: astrology with Lilith Rocha
Virgo AUG 24-SEP 23
With the planets of dash, savvy, love and money lavishing you with charisma, this very Virgoan month highlights your signature kindness, natural elegance and organic efficiency for everyone to appreciate. Yes, those awesome superpowers of detail-tweaking and admin-blitzing are peaking, but be realistic about how much one Virgo can do and give – don’t get so caught up in practicalities you lose the fun factor. Celebrate your birthday month and lighten the workload by lowering the limbo bar of expectations, setting aside the to-do list, reminding yourself you really don’t have to micro-manage everything, and surrendering to the pleasure of letting others do it for you.
Libra SEP 24-OCT 23
During the first half of September, Mars and Venus offer an astral assist for releasing grudges or grouches through forgiveness, the master healer, which can be achieved in the privacy of your own heart and mind. The mid-month full moon in your sector of self-care shines light on new ways to streamline daily routines for more svelte organisation, and could turn up the volume on certain inconvenient truths you haven’t wanted to hear. From the third week onwards,
Venus in your sign, happily surrounded by Libra sun, Mercury and a new moon, lifts a lovely flute of bubbly to your personal new year.
Scorpio OCT 24-NOV 22
Mars and Mercury are in innovative, cutting-edge mode, so this month favours technology updates. And if you’re drawn towards unusual places and unfamiliar perspectives, you’ll find others more than willing to volunteer assistance, with new ideas from the hive mind providing pieces for your puzzle that you didn’t even know were missing. When late September brings that old familiar tussle between adventure and staying put – stability and thrills – take private time to recharge your creative batteries. Saturn’s forward move has you thinking strategically and articulating clearly; you’ve done the hard yards, now the real magic can happen.
Sagittarius NOV 23-DEC 21
Talk about busy! Your planet ruler Jupiter’s beaming beneficial bounty into Sagittarius, turbo-charged Mars, and managerial Mercury have you zapping about like greased lightning, chatting up VIPs and prestige connections. Meanwhile, Saturn picking up speed again takes your finances for a welcome ride, while Uranus overhauls your operating strategies. If you can accept this as a hands-on work month, perseverance pays off and before you know it, October’s couple-up and party hearty vibes will have you back with a zing in the social swing. September note to self: if you’re too busy to listen to other peoples’ troubles, it’s best not tell them yours.
Capricorn DEC 22-JAN 20
August turned everyone into a boss. This month, micro-managers are rampant, which savvy Capricorns will handle by agreeing to disagree, and giving criticism a positive spin so it has a standing chance of being received. Good news arrives via Venus and Mercury inviting your posh self to glam up and dress to impress at industry events. With sensible Saturn heading direct in your sign, and September’s travel and growth surge offering entrepreneurial possibilities in wild blue yonder territory, calculated risks are your current recipe for success. And surprise!
You aren’t quite the conservative traditionalist others thought.
Aquarius JAN 21-FEB 19
Your guiding planet Uranus isn’t subtle, and this month you won’t miss its obvious cues. As September’s intensity gets temperatures rising, it isn’t surprising to find unexpected passions igniting Water-pourers attached and solo. Your business instincts are more than usually acute for smart money moves, but it’s worth taking care to give details you might normally not bother with extra attention, because others will be and near enough may just not cut it. Atmospherics lighten up mid-month, as Saturn’s forward move declares that’s enough treading carefully for now, and Venus sends your thoughts adventuring towards holiday getaways.
Pisces FEB 20-MAR 20
September’s astral emphasis is on all forms of partnering – private and personal, business mergers, creative collaborations, hooking other people up – which has beneficial repercussions for you. Assertive Mars is encouraging you to get clear about changes if you’re coupled, and what you want if you’re not. As Mars and Venus heat relationship waters, a sultry simmer could reach boiling point during the mid-month Pisces full moon. In which case be prepared for unadorned feedback – if you have been procrastinating about something, this month won’t call a spade a useful digging tool. Your smartest September strategy? A combination of courage and caution.
Aries MAR 21-APR 21
Immersion in detailed work may not be your favourite occupation, but with Mars and Mercury on an efficiency mission, timelines, budgets and spreadsheets are likely specials on this month’s menu. September can be a bit critical, so it’s worthwhile compiling a list of what you’re grateful for each morning – and what you appreciate in that person before important talks. Resist offering advice unless invited, and keep opinions non-judgemental and constructive. From mid-month onwards it’s easier to feel the love, and with Saturn accelerating out of retrograde, the road ahead opens and your work in the world moves forward once more.
Taurus APR 22-MAY 21
How does Uranus retreating in Taurus affect your partnerships? The planet of radical change tends towards either resolution or severance, so the short story says it could be disruptive, but in the service of long-term stability. This could involve either conscious uncoupling from a draining situation, or resettling a rocky relationship from shifting sands to more solid soil. Whatever transpires, don’t let this month’s nit-picking over every little thing rankle. With your ruling planet Venus in the sign of elegant artistry, use this wonderfully creative buzz to trade winter’s comfort food cocoon for healthy spring recipes, and getting deliciously physical with new fitness routines.
Gemini MAY 22-JUN 22
This month’s love affair? It’s between you and yourself, something Geminis won’t need explaining. With September’s mood swings tending to shorten your emotional fuse, maintaining a healthy mind/heart/body balance mightn’t be easy, especially regarding something or someone you, “just have an amazing feeling about”. But this month’s reality checks protect you against costly mistakes by ripping the Band-Aid off misty vistas and insisting you back up intuitive flashes with facts, figures and research. If possible, leave big decisions till later in the month when Saturn, on the move again, stimulates financial flow and an inspirational Mercury/Venus link-up gives your words wings.
Cancer JUN 23-JUL 23
Feeling a little out of touch with deep and meaningful connection? Then lose the earbuds, stash the mobile and speak to people. A trio of planets in your communication sector suggests that less texting and more talking are your keys to successful team, group and personal networking this month. Although, with so much vivid verbal energy on the loose, it’s definitely worth editing before uttering – especially when others in fix-it mode offer unsolicited input. As Venus, Mercury and the late-month new moon move the heart action to your domestic sector, Saturn picks up partnership momentum to signpost a surer, more mature way forward.
Leo JUL 24-AUG 23
Energetic Mars and clever Mercury aligning in your horoscope house of value and self-worth usher in a motivating mojo lift this September. It won’t pay to be too trusting, though, and escalating mini-issues into major productions is strongly contraindicated. It’s hard work enlarging profit margins, brokering deals and power bargaining, so take regular lion-replenishing time out to restock your stores of soul juice and indulge that Venus urge to splurge on deluxe comforts. When late month’s planetary gathering passes you the mic, it’s no surprise who’s taking the stage as mistress of ceremonies and queen of the scene. AWW