The Australian Women's Weekly

“This is my home”



Farmer, widow and grandmothe­r Wendy Bowman has taken on and beaten some of the world’s biggest coal mining companies, and this feisty octogenari­an isn’t finished yet.

Wendy doesn’t look like the popular cliche of an eco-activist. No dreadlocks, army boots or tie-dyed T-shirts here. Knock on the door to her property, Rosedale, in the NSW Hunter Valley and you’ll likely be greeted by a polite, elderly woman in neatly pressed slacks and a floral print top under a beige cardigan. But don’t let appearance­s deceive you. Wendy is widely regarded as one of the toughest and most resilient environmen­tal warriors in the world.

Wendy, 85, has fought doggedly against some of the world’s biggest coal mining corporatio­ns which have sought to usurp and excavate huge tracts of prime agricultur­al land in the Hunter. She has battled mines on her own land and through a community group (Minewatch) she establishe­d to help other farmers.

“This is my home,” says Wendy, whose husband, Mick, died unexpected­ly in 1984. “I’ve been a part of this valley since I married a farmer and moved here in 1957. It’s in my blood and I don’t want to see it destroyed. I won’t let them have it, not as long as I am alive. Not ever if I can help it.”

In 2010, Yancoal wanted to extend an existing open-cut mine and Wendy’s property sat slap bang in the middle of the proposed extension. She refused to give them access and refused to sell. After a five-year legal battle, the NSW Court of Appeal gave its final verdict: that the mine’s expansion could go ahead – but only if Yancoal bought all the land in the proposed extension. And, says Wendy, “that decision put me in the driver’s seat. It all depended on what I decided to do. Yes, the mine could go ahead, but – and that but was me.”

The Yancoal mine was stopped in its tracks and Wendy awarded the Goldman Environmen­tal Prize, one of the world’s most prestigiou­s awards, which recognises individual­s taking extraordin­ary actions to win victories against the odds.

Wendy still tends crops and cattle on Rosedale. “I’m not as active as I used to be,” she admits. “I know I won’t be around for too many more years. But my three daughters all understand how I feel and what I want, and I want the farm to stay.” Michael Sheather

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