The Australian Women's Weekly

Super stacked sarnie

Grilled Mediterran­ean vegetables, fresh mint dressing & black olives SERVES 8. PREP AND COOK TIME 45 MINUTES PLUS PRESSING


2 large ripe tomatoes

2 mixed-colour peppers

2 mixed-colour zucchini

½ a head of cauliflowe­r (400g)

2 red onions

1 bunch of fresh mint (30g) extra virgin olive oil

2 tablespoon­s red wine vinegar

8 black olives (stone in)

1 large loaf of crusty rustic bread (1kg)

125g ball of mozzarella cheese

1 Preheat a griddle pan to high. Halve the tomatoes, deseed the peppers and tear into chunks, slice up the zucchini and cauliflowe­r, and peel and quarter the onions. Working in batches, grill all the veg until charred, transferri­ng to a bowl as you go. Pick the mint leaves into a pestle and mortar, pound to a paste, then muddle in 4 tablespoon­s of oil and the vinegar. Destone the olives, add to the bowl with the dressing and toss to coat. Season with sea salt and black pepper.

2 Slice the top off the loaf. Pull out the soft insides to hollow out the bread – do it as evenly as you can and get right into the edges (use whatever you pull out to make breadcrumb­s for another day).

3 Slice up the mozzarella and toss with the dressed veg, then put it all into the hollowed-out bread, compacting and pushing it all into the edges. Pop the top of the bread back on, then press down really hard to compress. Wrap in clingfilm, then place in the fridge with something heavy on top and leave for at least 4 hours, preferably longer. Remove from the fridge 20 minutes before you want to eat it, slice into wedges and tuck in.

ENERGY 489kcal FAT 16.8g SAT FAT 4.2g PROTEIN 16.4g CARBS 72.4g SUGARS 8.9g SALT 1.3g FIBRE 7.3g

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