The Australian Women's Weekly

Basic potato gnocchi


If you read my gnocchi tips on page 149, you will know making a successful gnocchi dough is all about knowing the type of potatoes to use and how to cook and handle them. It really is easy – just be confident!


850g starchy potatoes (russet or desiree), unpeeled salt flakes

1 egg yolk

110–150g (¾ –1 cup) plain or type ‘00’ flour

1 Place potatoes in a large saucepan. Fill with cold water, add two fistfuls of salt; bring to the boil over high heat. Cook for 35–40 minutes or until tender. Drain well, then set aside for 10 minutes until cool enough to handle.

2 Pass the potatoes through a potato ricer and allow to cool for about 5–10 minutes. Stir in the egg yolk and a small pinch of salt. (If you don’t have a ricer, you can use a masher, although you will need to peel the potatoes first.)

3 Start adding flour, a little at a time. Depending on your potatoes and the flour you use, you may need to use more or less than indicated. You want a soft dough that’s pliable and not tacky. I normally use about threequart­ers and use the rest for dusting while I’m shaping the gnocchi. Don’t add too much flour or your gnocchi will be heavy.

4 Cut dough into four or five pieces, then place on a floured surface and roll into 2cm thick logs. Cut each log into 2–3cm pieces. You can leave them like that if you like. Alternativ­ely, roll them over a wooden gnocchi board or press them against the tines of a fork to form ridges. The tines will leave indentatio­ns in the gnocchi, ready to trap the sauce for the joy of your palate. Once you’ve rolled all your gnocchi, dust with flour and set aside. They are best cooked within a few hours.

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