The Cairns Post

Aussie economy slowly sinking


AS the game of musical chairs in Canberra continues, the state of Australia’s economy is like the Titanic – going down!

Cigar-smoking Joe, our extreasure­r, tried valiantly to talk things up by stating that the government is all about jobs and growth.

Funny that, when our growth last quarter was way behind all the OECD countries and even lower than Greece.

Despite denying it, Australia is in recession and has been for at least 12 to 24 months. Statistics don’t lie. 1. Poor growth. 2. High unemployme­nt. 3. Cost of living highest in the OECD. 4. Electricit­y costs highest in the world. 5. Grocery prices higher than the USA and Europe. 6. Education spending down, yet costs of degrees climbing beyond $100,000. 7. Health spending down. 8. Fuel costs staying high despite a barrel of oil down from $118 to below $40 in 12 months. 9. Wage rises have been stagnant for some time.

As a solution to our problems they are proposing raising the GST (tax). This will increase the cost of living even further as electricit­y, fuel, groceries, transport etc will rise more steeply.

Once again the middle and low income earner plus pensioner will be driven further down into the poverty trap. Is the government delusional or lying about the state of the economy?

Jerry Micola, Tolga

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