The Cairns Post



Andrew Bolt (29/9) just don’t get it. He should know that great footballer­s don’t necessaril­y make great coaches. Abbott was the same, great bloke but poor general.

Peachy, Bayview Heights

Enjoying a break at Cardwell, even though it needs to be dredged, the boat ramp is better than Yorkeys Knob.

Dazza, Smithfield

Why are Australian officials handing out a visa to people like Justin Bieber? He has form for this type of party in the US and we let him in here.

David, Holloway’s Beach

What is it with these birds that start tweeting by 10pm? Are they mutant bats created by their removal from the city?

Tricia, Yorkeys Knob

Came down kirrima range road on Fri 25th Sept. It cost $5.9 million for a stinkin dirt track with a few new bridges. The road is not worth that.

Wot a Joke, Tully

Hi, I would like to thank Nikki from Woollies @ earlville for the exceptiona­l service for getting my pckts of soap that had run out on the shelves. Wish there were more like you in every shop. Well done young lady. And so pleasant a nature as well.

Roger, Clifton Beach

On water found on mars. So what? Money would be better spent improving water on earth.

Steve, Westcourt

Re: copperlode dam may get healthy barra boost. So letz go fishing.

Janelle, Woree

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