The Cairns Post

Zodiac forecasts

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with Oscar Cainer On Friday, there’s an auspicious meeting in the heavens as Saturn makes a harmonious trine with Uranus. Part of what makes this special is its rarity: both these planets move slowly around the zodiac. Similarly today, two of the other slow giants, Jupiter and Neptune, make an important connection. It may be a minor aspect, but it will only happen once again in the next 10 years. It’s time to forgive ourselves for any mistakes we’ve made. They’re helping us paint a clearer picture.

aries Mar 20 – Apr 19

When people say unkind things about each other, they effectivel­y invite further criticisms to come back at them. If you know that someone doesn’t like something about you, how can you resist finding something about them that you can disapprove of too? That’s one reason why it’s usually much better to focus on the positive. Today, as positive Jupiter makes a sharp link to glamorous Neptune, look for things you can praise, even in situations that are far from satisfacto­ry. You’ll be well rewarded. Improve your life under this rare, amazing cosmic climate. Call 1900 959 005.

gemini May 21 – Jun 20

‘Me and my shadow, strolling down the avenue...’ This song cheerfully portrays someone without a care in the world. Yet to psychologi­sts, a shadow means something different. They believe we all have a shadow-side and, just as we don’t always notice our physical shadow, we’re often unaware of the negative impact that some of our words and deeds can have. But, following Mercury’s change of signs, if you become conscious of what you tend to do unconsciou­sly, you can bring a big improvemen­t to your life. Improve your life under this rare, amazing cosmic climate. Call 1900 959 005.

leo Jul 22 – Aug 22

Do you want to be happy, to feel good and enjoy every moment of this precious life? I’m sorry for asking such a silly question - it’s just that, briefly, I wasn’t so sure, because I could see you potentiall­y giving in to a source of stress. It looked very much as if you were prepared to let something or someone really begin to bug you. Then I thought, ‘Maybe you secretly like that sense of being wound up and exasperate­d.’ OK. I believe you. You don’t! So, now you know what to pay less attention to today! Improve your life under this rare, amazing cosmic climate. Call 1900 959 005.

libra Sep 23 - Oct 22

Venus, your ruler, and Mercury usually pass through the zodiac quickly. Their paths around the Sun are faster than ours, but they still complete their cycle about once a year, because, every so often, they hang around in one area. Since March this year, you’ve experience­d the effects of this. But, in the coming days, both Venus and Mercury finally move beyond the territory they covered when retrograde. So does your life. At last you’ll be resolving problems that have been hanging over you for too long. Improve your life under this rare, amazing cosmic climate. Call 1900 959 005.

sagittariu­s Nov 20 - Dec 20

Who are you? Where have you been? What have you done? These aren’t easy questions to answer. The list is long and impressive. Some of it requires a lot of explanatio­n. To different people, at different times, in different situations, you’ve had very different identities. And that’s just the past. What about the future? What are you capable of being? Who could you turn out to be? You’re not now hanging on grimly to the only source of vague protection you can find. You’re in a genuinely good position. Improve your life under this rare, amazing cosmic climate. Call 1900 959 005.

aquarius Jan 20 - Feb 17

Traditiona­lly, Aquarians are always keen on solutions for conflict. They like progress. They enjoy being in a state of agreement. Yet you and I both know that you also like playing Devil’s advocate. You relish asking awkward questions and challengin­g convention­al assumption­s. How do you reconcile these two contradict­ory impulses? With difficulty! But at the moment, it’s clear that it’s far more important to reach a decision that’s right, than to come to a conclusion that’s likely to prove popular. Improve your life under this rare, amazing cosmic climate. Call 1900 959 005.

taurus Apr 20 – May 20

Think of yourself as a rocket, waiting to take off. The countdown has started. Engines have been tested and the route calculated. If you feel tense, it’s only because you sense what’s in store and know that, with the Sun in your sign, it’s time for big things to happen. But there’s nothing to fear. It’s something to relish, cherish and celebrate. It just has to happen at the right moment. As the Sun makes a sharp link with slow Saturn, if events conspire to delay or impede, don’t feel frustrated. Remain patient but determined. Improve your life under this rare, amazing cosmic climate. Call 1900 959 005.

cancer Jun 21 – Jul 21

Can you remember where you were before you came to this planet? None of us can. Just fancy that. Nearly seven billion people with significan­t memory gaps. Each of us was once a baby. We must have known something back then about the world on the other side of the veil. As Jupiter makes a slightly uncomforta­ble link with Neptune, don’t worry too much about the questions you can’t easily answer. Life’s full of such things. But experience teaches us that the unknown is rarely anything to fear. Improve your life under this rare, amazing cosmic climate. Call 1900 959 005.

virgo Aug 23 - Sep 22

In the olden days, many things were a lot worse. They didn’t have electricit­y, for example. But some things were better. One of these was a rather noble concept of justice, in which every alleged offender was to be treated as ‘innocent until proven guilty’ and no premature conclusion­s were to be jumped to. But then came ‘trial by media’ and everything changed. Don’t be part of a witchhunt today. Avoid negative assumption­s. With Mercury’s new position, a sensitive matter deserves deeper considerat­ion. Improve your life under this rare, amazing cosmic climate. Call 1900 959 005.

scorpio Oct 23 - Nov 21

To what extent might you be suffering now, from a fear that’s chiefly based on a gripping, pessimisti­c assumption? There are reasons to worry, I grant you that. But, then, since when has life ever been devoid of anguish? Are you inadverten­tly seizing on a cause for concern and amplifying it to the point where you can hear, see or think about nothing else? Deal sensibly with what needs attention now. But, having done your best, stop worrying. There’s really no need, as coming events will prove. Improve your life under this rare, amazing cosmic climate. Call 1900 959 005.

capricorn Dec 2 1 - Jan 19

Once you weren’t. Then you were. Now you are. For some while to come, you will be. Sooner or later, though, you won’t be any more. If all those statements were true of you, but not of anyone else on this planet, you could feel hard done by. But it’s the same for all of us! Why then, take it all so seriously? And why, given that our time is so brief, do we cling so tightly to rigid attitudes? As your ruler prepares to link supportive­ly with rebellious Uranus, you can afford to loosen up a little. Improve your life under this rare, amazing cosmic climate. Call 1900 959 005.

pisces Feb 18 - Mar 19

In the English language, there’s a strange phrase that is used when someone has a bad reaction to a challengin­g set of circumstan­ces. They say, ‘Look at him (or her), they’re cutting off their nose to spite their face.’ Typically, this is represente­d in a cartoon, by an image of someone climbing a tree that needs pruning. The would-be arborist is depicted brandishin­g a saw while sitting on the very branch they’re trying to remove! Take a moment to reflect, and you can avoid such errors today. Improve your life under this rare, amazing cosmic climate. Call 1900 959 005.

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