The Cairns Post

Doing battle with screens


KYLIE Reynolds remembers playing with friends, riding her bike and swimming in the backyard pool after coming home from school. But the mum to Jay, 12, Kayla, 10 and Lachlan, four months, says a lot has changed from one generation to the next.

She says she does daily battle with her children to get them off their screens and play like kids used to.

“I think parenting kids today is a lot more complicate­d and challengin­g than when I was a kid,” she says. “And as far as I can see, the main reason is technology. Kids have such a dependence of those screens and when I put the hammer down and say enough is enough, they really fight me on it. Kayla will find other things to do when I take the screens away, she’ll colour or read a book or play with toys, but it’s much tougher with Jay.”

Reynolds says she worries this generation of children are losing their ability to use their imaginatio­n or to be creative because of the dependence on screens. “I remember being bored when I was little but I’d go to a friend’s house to play or swim in the pool, I’d be out all afternoon with my friends, coming home only when dinner was ready.

“But I think parents are too scared to let their kids wander too far on their own these days, and I’ll admit I’m guilty of that too. I’m sure the threats that are around now were around back then but it wasn’t in your face like it is now. The kids have plenty to do in the backyard, we have a netted trampoline, a pool and have had cubbies, slip ‘n’ slides and totem tennis, but they lose interest after a while.

“I can see ... how boredom can lead to kids finding more creative things to do. But I do think technology has reduced their interest in other simpler activities.”

 ??  ?? FAMILY BATLE: Kylie Reynolds with children (L to R) Jay 12, Lachlan, 17 weeks, and Kayla, 10, says it is a constant battle to get the kids off the screens.
FAMILY BATLE: Kylie Reynolds with children (L to R) Jay 12, Lachlan, 17 weeks, and Kayla, 10, says it is a constant battle to get the kids off the screens.

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