The Cairns Post

Activists hurting their cause

- Rita Panahi is a Herald Sun columnist

THE standard of public discourse in Australia continues to plumb new depths as extremists from both sides find new ways to disgrace themselves.

Here’s a handy hint for harebraine­d activists everywhere: behaving like deranged drongos screaming obscenitie­s in the face of your opponents, or worse, spitting like feral animals and resorting to acts of violence, will not increase public support for your cause.

Indeed, you do enormous damage to whatever barrow you’re pushing when you engage in aggressive tactics to intimidate your ideologica­l opponents.

On Wednesday night, Iranianbor­n Labor senator Sam Dastyari was racially abused in a Melbourne pub by three far-Right dolts who called him a “monkey” and a “terrorist”.

Two nights later in Sydney, farLeft protesters attacked Liberal councillor Christine Forster and her partner as she tried to enter a fundraisin­g event for her brother, former prime minister Tony Abbott.

A clearly shaken Forster was spat on, screamed at, and so roughly manhandled by refugee activists that her jacket was almost torn in two.

In the end, it took more than 30 police officers to help Forster enter the function. Others attending were also abused, jostled, and some even pelted with fruit by about 200 protesters, one holding a “Death to (Immigratio­n Minister Peter) Dutton” sign.

Next day, Forster posted something that should be obvious: “Assaulting passers-by is not a protest, it’s just plain disgracefu­l behaviour.”

But while the ugly verbal attack on Dastyari was categorica­lly condemned by conservati­ves, the same cannot be said for the physical attack on Forster.

There was no shortage of supposedly compassion­ate people willing to excuse violence against women and “victim blame” Forster for being a Liberal and Abbott’s sister.

Predictabl­y, the sisterhood was silent on the abuse. Many of the loudest feminists failed to condemn con- temptible behaviour perpetrate­d by those on their side.

After the bigoted attack on Dastyari, the entire country was condemned as racist by Fairfax with the headline “Wake up Australia: the Sam Dastyari incident proves you’re racist.”

Funnily enough, there were no headlines claiming Australia is full of extreme Leftist thugs after Abbott was physically attacked in Tasmania in September.

In fact, that incident, now the subject of criminal proceeding­s, was dismissed, minimised and mocked by many on the Left, including in the media.

It’s typical for the media to overblow behaviour of Right-wing idiots to push the “Australia is racist” narrative while Left-wing acts of bastardry are rarely held up as examples of a wider malaise.

At the weekend, Dastyari called on his supporters to be consistent in their response: “The many amazing people on the Left of politics who rightly called out the attack on @TimWattsMP and I at a bar on Wednesday should also call out the attacks on @resourcefu­ltype (Forster) and others at Abbott event. The enemy is intoleranc­e and extremism,” he posted.

Forster is a progressiv­e Liberal who has advocated for same-sex marriage. But that isn’t enough for the social justice warriors who see her membership of the Liberal Party as sufficient justificat­ion for personal and physical attacks.

Among the worst offenders are refugee activists who shamelessl­y lie and fabricate stories while claiming the moral high ground and labelling anyone who dares dispute their narrative a racist, a Nazi or a bigot.

They are already so far removed from the Australian mainstream that only the Greens support their reckless stance on border protection.

It’s about time the Greens were called to account for their lunacy. We were all rightly disgusted when Dastyari was called a terrorist by a farRight idiot, but somehow Greens MP Adam Bandt can get away with calling Immigratio­n Minister Peter Dutton a terrorist.

The violent protest on Friday night was attended by Greens senator Lee Rhiannon.

If a conservati­ve politician were part of a protest in which women were physically attacked, there’d be calls for a resignatio­n. But the Greens are held to a much lower standard.

 ?? Picture: AAP ?? EXTREME: Christine Forster is caught up in a crowd of protesters.
Picture: AAP EXTREME: Christine Forster is caught up in a crowd of protesters.

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