The Cairns Post

Zodiac forecasts

- with Oscar Cainer What sign are you? Find out FREE at

I love the expression, ‘to have eyes bigger than your stomach’. We’ve all been there and done that recently! There’s a good chance that many of us are living with the consequenc­es of over-indulging in chocolate or pudding or pie. Why can’t we learn to stop before the dessert? I’m still waiting for the answer! So how about a cosmic explanatio­n? Last weekend Mars and Jupiter combined in Scorpio for the first time since 1982. Without biting off more than we can chew, life is presenting an all-you-can-eat buffet of opportunit­y. Dig in!

aries Mar 21 – Apr 19

You’re not going to please people if you get over-excited and noisy in a library. But if you’re in the crowd watching a concert or a match, your vocal enthusiasm goes down a treat. Through a process of trial and error, we learn how to act appropriat­ely. You might have a feeling that you’re acting unsuitably. But, in the energy of your ruler’s link to the planet of luck, you can discover more about the situation you find yourself caught in. If you feel good about how you’re responding, chances are that you’re right. Tomorrow’s triple conjunctio­n brings gifts to start 2018. Call 1900 959 005.

gemini May 21 – Jun 20

Your ability to adapt is legendary. No matter how caught up or trapped you feel, or how entrenched in your ways, there comes a time when you begin to consider your options and start to create an escape plan. Mars has just formed a conjunctio­n with Jupiter, just after your ruler aligned with freedom-loving Uranus. The opportunit­y now facing you is so exciting it’s a little scary. It might well be necessary for you to wriggle out of one arrangemen­t so that you can begin a new adventure. Tomorrow’s triple conjunctio­n brings gifts to start 2018. Call 1900 959 005.

leo Jul 23 – Aug 22

They say that what goes up, must come down. This is, on the surface at least, a simple law of gravity that works for everything in our physical world. But it seems to be equally valid in our psychologi­cal world too. There’s a similar spiritual law – which is why pride comes before a fall. It seems to work both ways too: a low period will be followed by a high. The tide always turns. That’s what you’re feeling right now, a tidal shift away from a difficulty. This week will show you that the way ahead, is up. Tomorrow’s triple conjunctio­n brings gifts to start 2018. Call 1900 959 005.

libra Sep 23 - Oct 22

Apparently it’s unlikely that you were playing Monopoly over the festive season. It hardly seems coincident­al that divorce rates rose sharply in line with the game’s popularity, and declined as it fell out of fashion. Few pastimes are more likely to expose family rifts! And with the MarsJupite­r conjunctio­n in Scorpio, woe betide anyone who rolls the dice against you as you seek to expand your empire. But there’s no need to be aggressive. Success depends on you not over borrowing, or over extending yourself. Tomorrow’s triple conjunctio­n brings gifts to start 2018. Call 1900 959 005.

sagittariu­s Nov 22 - Dec 21

When someone who has a lot of power sees themselves as helpless and susceptibl­e, it makes them dangerous to be around. They tend to use disproport­ionate techniques to defend themselves from imaginary threats. True power is not about victory and defeat. It’s about caring and ensuring that the best possible thing can happen. This rarely demands showing off our muscular power techniques. Compassion and inspiratio­n are a winning combinatio­n for you this week. Tomorrow’s triple conjunctio­n brings gifts to start 2018. Call 1900 959 005.

aquarius Jan 20 - Feb 18

We like to do our best to be honourable. Well, we certainly like to be seen to be upright and worthy – it’s just that we don’t want to have to work too hard to be seen that way. Come to think of it, what’s the point in trying to be virtuous if no one’s going to notice? You might be acting a certain way to please an audience right now, but inside, you know why you’re doing what you’re doing. Despite what observers may think, you’re acting from your highest self and for the right reasons. Tomorrow’s triple conjunctio­n brings gifts to start 2018. Call 1900 959 005.

taurus Apr 20 – May 20

It’s easy to blame other people when life throws problems our way. But it’s worth thinking about whether we make it easy for people to make it easy for us! Now, without putting your head in a philosophi­cal spin, following the Mars and Jupiter conjunctio­n opposite your sign (the first for 36 years), a unique opportunit­y has arisen. Someone wants to make your life more pleasurabl­e, exciting, decadent and meaningful. If you decide to let them - it doesn’t make you easy! You’re in control of the situation. Tomorrow’s triple conjunctio­n brings gifts to start 2018. Call 1900 959 005.

cancer Jun 21 – Jul 22

The great mystics and meditators teach that learning to concentrat­e all our attention on our heart beating is a life-long work. It sounds so simple, yet it is almost impossible to achieve. It requires more years of dedicated practice than it takes to become a neuro-physicist. Welcome to your Monday! Yes, it’s true that you face a challenge! But no, you don’t need superhuman concentrat­ion skills to solve it. If you act with kindness – to someone who’s been irritating­ly annoying, you’ll find an easy way forward. Tomorrow’s triple conjunctio­n brings gifts to start 2018. Call 1900 959 005.

virgo Aug 23 - Sep 22

It seems that the world is full of experts; people who know more than you. They’ve got more experience, more education, more power-clothes in their wardrobes, and more cash in the bank. If you’d only paid more attention, you’d be perfect like they are. You’d also be prone to self-righteousn­ess and insufferab­leness. So whose advice should you really be taking this week? Who do you need to search out? Don’t underestim­ate your own knowledge and intuition. You have the answers you need. Tomorrow’s triple conjunctio­n brings gifts to start 2018. Call 1900 959 005.

scorpio Oct 23 - Nov 21

Could you be in danger of pushing beyond a sensible limit? Even if the answer is yes, that could be better than not doing enough. Sometimes you simply have to take direct action, and throw caution to the wind if you want to bring about a change. If later, you realise that you’ve gone too far, you can always retrace your steps. You have an opportunit­y to make an important move towards something (or someone) of great interest to you. Who knows if the chance will come again? Be brave! Tomorrow’s triple conjunctio­n brings gifts to start 2018. Call 1900 959 005.

capricorn Dec 2 2 - Jan 19

You may sometimes feel solitary, but you are in very good company. The cosmos doesn’t view some people as more important than others. It recognises and responds to sensitivit­y and compassion rather than an individual sense of right and importance. This is a time when you can put your trust in a power that lies beyond what you see and hear. No matter how challenged you might be by situations here on planet Earth, there’s tangible help available from the skies. And more support than you imagine. Tomorrow’s triple conjunctio­n brings gifts to start 2018. Call 1900 959 005.

pisces Feb 19 - Mar 20

Following Mars’ conjunctio­n with your ruler at the weekend, you’re still waiting for things to settle into a new rhythm. You’re exploring a new way of dealing with a situation and developing a new and simple solution to fix a tiresome problem. As we edge towards a triple conjunctio­n, your courage and dedication to a cause will be highlighte­d and appreciate­d. Though not always easy to deal with, your sensitivit­y is a source of strength and will lead you into a beneficial relationsh­ip this week. Tomorrow’s triple conjunctio­n brings gifts to start 2018. Call 1900 959 005.

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