The Cairns Post

‘Predator’ raped girl, 5

Offender eligible for parole in October


A MAN labelled “predatory and disgusting” will be eligible for parole after spending 10 months in jail for raping a fiveyear-old girl, who had been asleep beside her mother.

The 20-year-old sex offender was jailed for three years after pleading guilty to the rape, indecent treatment of a 12-year-old girl, burglary and supplying drugs.

He cannot be named because it may identify the victims.

The Cairns District Court was told the ice-affected man had been drinking with the five-year-old’s mother, who lived across the road, earlier on September 7 last year.

He later returned and raped the child. She woke up during the offence. As he was leaving he stole a television, speakers and portable air conditioni­ng unit.

“It was opportunis­tic and predatory in nature,” crown prosecutor Nicole Friedewald said.

In February 2016 he exposed himself to a 12-year-old girl and tried to get her to touch him. He had been living with the girl’s family.

“He initially denied the conduct … but later suggested to the police that he was drunk and the complainan­t came on to him,” Ms Friedewald said.

Defence barrister Joseph Jacobs said the crimes were “highly offensive”.

His client had been badly affected by his parents separation and after a friend took his own life, he had turned to drugs. He was using methylamph­etamines and cannabis and began stealing to support his habit.

On the night he raped the five-year-old he had been drinking rum and bourbon and was ice-affected.

He had not slept in six or seven days.

Since being in jail for the last 127 days he had kept busy by enrolling in courses and working.

The court was told the man had also written letters of apology and a confession for his offending, saying he wants to be a better person.

Judge Brian Devereaux said it was “disgusting” behaviour but that the man had shown remorse through his early plea and taken proactive steps for rehabilita­tion.

He will be eligible for parole in October this year.

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