The Cairns Post

On other matters


How many Cook Hwy/Sheridan St users (CP, 7/5) get to vote for the Mother of Good Counsel School’s Parents and Friends Associatio­n? Who put the P&F in charge of the Department of Transport and Main Roads? Build a child-proof fence along the school’s Sheridan St boundary and end the 40km/h bottleneck permanentl­y. Woz, Parramatta Park How richly ironic that unions should complain about the “casualisat­ion scourge” (CP, 7/5) when their excessive demands were the direct cause of it. Mic, Cairns Judy Pederson (letters, 7/5) defends Julian Tomlinson’s independen­t thinking on climate change. He keeps insisting that the world’s science experts are wrong, without a schintilla of evidence. I believe climate scientists before a journo trying to climb the ladder. MGB, Kanimbla Hts Judy Petersen (CP, 7/5), Julian Tomlinson is entitled to his opinion, allowing it’s always hard right-wing politicall­y . His views are not indicative of main-stream Australia, thank goodness.They (his views of the world) represent a small demographi­c that don’t accept modern day reality. Progressiv­e, Cairns LNP bombarded us with “debt and deficit disaster” statements. Suddenly they spend $65 billion on business tax cuts and billions more on personal tax cuts and other budget giveaways. Most of this will be borrowed. The LNP are spending like drunken sailors just to get re-elected, leaving a huge debt legacy. Trevor, Park Ridge Well said Realnews (CP, 7/5). Yes we definitely need our political leaders to be more like Trump. Misogynist, absolute no regard for the truth and with a revolving door of staff. Atticus, Cairns Completed watching the “grand” final of Ch7’s MKR. Disgusted with the judging and result. The winners are supposed to be great cooks but in my opinion they were judged on who could generate tears the best. Never to watch again. Toby, Edge Hill

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